The Most Overwrought Ad This Year? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Most Overwrought Ad This Year?


Democrats and liberal organizations have put out a lot of hyperbolic, hyperventilating ads this year…almost all related to birth control, since they don’t actually have a positive agenda to run on. This matches my predictions of several months ago…{patting self on back}.

One of the problems with what George Will called (speaking specifically of Mark Udall but the point can be generalized as well) “a relentlessly gynecological campaign” is that it treats women like idiots and takes their votes for granted based on a single issue (or single small cluster of issues) which is not at the top of most women’s minds. After all, women every bit as much as men care about jobs, paying the bills, seeing (and having their kids see) the doctors of their choice. So while women still lean toward Democrats, they are doing so far less than before. It’s not that I expect a majority of women to vote Republican in Colorado or in many other swing states. I do, however, expect many of them who have voted Democrat in the past to refrain from voting in 2014, giving a huge boost to Republican hopes in close races.

The left is getting absolutely desperate. And perhaps nothing shows it more than what may be the most ridiculous ad I’ve heard this year.

I thought it was a joke at first, but it’s not.

Behold the wonder of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, and consider just what this ad implies about NARAL’s view of the intelligence of voters:

 National Journal reports that NARAL is going to spend $450,000 airing this ridiculous ad. I wonder how NARAL donors feel about such an incredible waste of their money, but then I imagine NARAL voters are part of an unthinking cult who won’t really see their folly (and I say that as someone who is pro-choice.)

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