Hobby Lobby, Your Bedroom, and Your Boss - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Hobby Lobby, Your Bedroom, and Your Boss


The Hobby Lobby case has raised a number of questions. Do individuals give up religious rights when they open a business? Does Plan B cause abortions? Can the government force companies to follow unconstitutional laws?

But what about the very obvious question: Why should your employer have to provide your emergency birth control?

Last time I checked, free contraception wasn’t guaranteed in the Constitution. Feminists are rallying against Hobby Lobby for squelching their rights. They say it’s wrong for a CEO to force a woman to have babies against her will. They claim “fundamentalists” plan to ruin their lives.

But all of this is blown out of proportion.

Any woman anywhere in the country could walk into a CVS or Walgreens and purchase Plan B, one of the contraceptives which Hobby Lobby doesn’t want to provide to their employees. The drug doesn’t require a prescription and I’m assuming you could pay cash or credit for it. According to the Planned Parenthood website, Plan B could cost you anywhere from $10-$70. Don’t get me wrong: $70 is a lot of money. But compared to the cost of raising a child for eighteen years, I’d have to say it’s quite the savings.

Also, Hobby Lobby only opposes four of the twenty types of contraceptives. That means any of their female employees qualify for the “take every day” pill that should prevent pregnancy. These women would only need a Plan B pill if they were not on birth control or they missed a day or two of their regular pill.

Plus, a woman who is sexually active and concerned about getting pregnant should consider birth control (or even abstinence). Plan B is for “emergencies” – something that shouldn’t happen that often. So maybe you shell out $70 once or twice. I have to imagine that dent in your wallet might remind you to take your pill at the right time the next day.

Of course, there are situations when a woman doesn’t consent to sex. I’m not trying to be insensitive to the horrible things people do to other people. Also the ethics of Plan B come into play here – whether or not the drug kills human life – which is a debate for another time.

The complaints from women fully in control of their sexual habits are simply ridiculous. Your boss already covers your day-to-day birth control – why does he need to clean up after your mistakes? Just because you forgot a pill or a condom broke doesn’t mean your boss is suddenly responsible. Outside the Supreme Court some women held signs saying, “Birth control is not my boss’ business.” You are complete correct! So stop asking your boss to pay for it.

So all those other questions are left unanswered, but one thing is certain – you can still have your birth control even if the CEO doesn’t cut the check. 

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