The Preferred Candidate of Millionaires is...Hillary Clinton - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Preferred Candidate of Millionaires is…Hillary Clinton


She may be campaigning to earn the trust of the 99%, as they like to call themselves, by promising to steal from the rich and give to the…well…the bloated federal organizations that once claimed to serve the poor, according to their originally-filed mission statements but have since become retirement programs for middling bureaucrats, but Hillary Clinton’s most ardent fan base doesn’t have a whole lot in common with the common man.

Which makes sense since neither does she.

According to a “Millionaire Survey” conducted by CNBC, Americans with a net worth of more than $1 million heavily favor a Hillary Clinton presidency, almost twelve points more than they favor the other legacy candidate in the race, Jeb Bush.

The survey, which polls 750 Americans with a net worth of $1 million or more, found that 53 percent of millionaires would vote for the Democratic ex-Secretary of State, compared with 47 percent for the GOP presidential hopeful, in a hypothetical general-election match-up. Clinton had the support of 91 percent of Democratic millionaires, 13 percent of Republican millionaires and 57 percent of Independent millionaires.

When asked about the broader field of candidates, Clinton got the most support, with 36 percent of millionaires. Jeb Bush came in second with 20 percent, followed by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) with 8 percent, and Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) with 7 percent.

The only demographic Jeb won is “old millionaires,” by which I mean millionaires over the age of 70. The rest of the categories went soundly for Hillary Clinton. She also bests Jeb Bush in the battle of the sexes. She wins 51-49 among male millionaires and 58-42 among female millionaires, although women prefer Hillary Clinton more overall. She loses the “millionaire contest” only when you get to the richer millionaires – those with a net worth over $5 million, closer to Elizabeth Warren’s net worth than Bernie Sanders’s – do the scales shift, albeit slightly, into Jeb Bush’s favor.

The survey does seem to slightly under-represent Republicans, with slightly less Republican millionaires polled than Democratic millionaires. And CNBC is quick to point out that millionaires, while essential to a campaign’s coffers, rarely predict the outcome of a Presidential election. But Mitt Romney had millionaires buttoned up, picking up a cool 61% to Barack Obama’s 39%. This time around, it seems, the 1% has a veritable smorgasbord of options and they’re hesitant to pick a horse. Just yet, anyway.

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