The Reason Wilco Isn't Boycotting Other RFRA States - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Reason Wilco Isn’t Boycotting Other RFRA States


Emily takes Wilco to task for boycotting Indiana in protest of the passage of its RFRA statute, but not 9 other states which are on their tour that have RFRA on their books.

But there’s a reasonable explanation. The RFRAs that were passed in the 9 other states in question only applied to religious assemblies and institutions, not to for profit entities. One of the states Emily cites is Louisiana which states its law is applicable “to a church, association of churches or other religious order, body or institution which qualifies for exemption from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) or (d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.”  

It’s true that the Hobby Lobby decision has effectively amended those statutes, but that decision is clearly beyond the control of the state legislature in Louisiana and the other 8 states with RFRA statutes. Thus Wilco has no reason to cancel their tour dates in those states.

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