Debbie Wasserman Schultz is so Awesome, She Might Run for Senate - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is so Awesome, She Might Run for Senate


Debbie Wasserman Schultz, fresh off her appearance at the 2015 Grammy Awards, thinks she’s doing a bang-up job at being part of Florida’s Congressional delegation. 

She thinks she’s so good, it seems that, later this year, when she inevitably steps down from her position as DNC chair, a job she’s done so well that a 2016 nominating convention in Philadelphia will be her crowning achievement, she’s considering going from a mere Congressional Representative to being a Senator, after Florida’s current, more talented Senator, Marco Rubio, steps down from his role in order to run for President. 

Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee chair, is strongly considering a bid for U.S. Senate, calculating that having Hillary Clinton at the top of the 2016 ticket would help lift her candidacy in a year-of-the-woman campaign.

Driving Wasserman Schultz’s interest: the increasing likelihood that Sen. Marco Rubio will run for the White House and that he ultimately won’t seek reelection in 2016, Democratic insiders familiar with her thinking say. Her office wouldn’t discuss her interest in the Senate.

“Of course she’s considering it: Open Senate seats are pretty rare,” said Andrew Weinstein, a longtime supporter of the Weston congresswoman and a 2012 member of President Obama’s national finance team.

I’d laugh this off as the delusions of a madwoman, but it turns out, Florida is basically full of madwomen, so not only is she probably correct in thinking that she has a chance, but also that Florida’s esteemed voting population could be convinced that six years of Debbie Wasserman Schultz are preferable to a mere two. Heck, they may vote her in just so that they can spare themselves having to see her on TV in the two interim elections. 

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