Today: Watch the International Conference of Climate Change - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Today: Watch the International Conference of Climate Change



The Heartland Institute is hosting its 12th International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, D.C. on March 23 and 24! The theme of the two-day conference is “Resetting U.S. Climate Policy.” The Heartland Institute has more than 30 speakers presenting on the Trump administration and members of Congress the case for ending the Obama administrations’ “war on fossil fuels.” The event attracted more than 300 registrants for the two-day conference.

The Heartland Institute is globally recognized as a leader of the climate change debate.

“The purpose of this conference is to introduce members of the Trump administration and newly elected members of Congress and their staff to leading scientists and economists who hold a data-based, non-alarmist view of the climate,” said Joseph Bast, president of The Heartland Institute. “It’s time to reset U.S. climate and energy policy away from the alarmism and fake science that dominated policymaking during the Obama era, and plot a new course based on real scientific data and economic analysis. The American people deserve a huge ‘peace dividend’ that can be brought about by ending the unnecessary and futile war on fossil fuels.”

You can watch keynote speakers and panel discussions featuring Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee; Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee; Don Easterbrook, Ph.D. (Western Washington University); Myron Ebell (Competitive Enterprise Institute); Bette Grande (former state legislator, ND); Mary Hutzler (Institute for Energy Research); Patrick Michaels, Ph.D. (Cato Institute); Lord Christopher Monckton; Willie Soon, Ph.D (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), and many more for free at our website both live and archived.

This will be the 12th ICCC hosted by The Heartland Institute since 2008. Other ICCCs have taken place in New York (ICCC-1 and 2), Chicago (ICCC-4 and 7); Washington, D.C. (ICCC-3, 6, and 10); Las Vegas (ICCC-9); Sydney Australia (ICCC-5); and in the German cities of Munich (ICCC-8) and Essen (ICCC-11). Nearly 4,000 people have attended at least one ICCC. See video and information about the programs and speakers at past events at the archive page for the International Conference on Climate Change.

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