"Somewhere along the line, the media decided they had to stop Trump" - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

“Somewhere along the line, the media decided they had to stop Trump”


MSNBC and Morning Joe is getting all thinky about the “end zone dance” being done by the media overtly and shamelessly on Twitter regarding stopping Donald Trump.

Here’s my problem: They have always done this. One point of disagreement I have with my colleagues at various righty media organizations is that they feel that Marco Rubio, for example, would fare better with the mainstream media and would be “cleaning Hillary’s clock.” I just don’t believe that.

Look at how milque-toast Mitt Romney was portrayed by this media. He cut a boys hair! He has binders full of women! Big bird! He wants to take away women’s contraception! He hates women!  This was Mitt Romney, the mildest, most moderate, big government Republican who created the pre-cursor for Obamacare, for heaven’s sake. By my conservative definition, Mitt Romney was a liberal. But Mitt Romney was savaged by the media.

Marco Rubio would fare better? Doubtful. He’s pro-life. He’s given eloquent defenses of the unborn. In the modern media world, that means he’s anti-women. He would have to move to the right on immigration–he’s a self-hating Hispanic. I could go on and on.

What’s happened with Trump is that the writers and editors from all these media organizations feel liberated to expose their biases because it’s Donald Trump. He is un-p.c. to say the least and that’s anathema to them. And, like the commentator at MSNBC says, he’s a bigot, so the media feel justified in destroying him.

In this environment, I don’t know how anyone not peddling politically correct twaddle gets a fair shot. The belief system of half the country–God, family, country, traditional values including antiquated ideas like marriage between one man and one woman, borders, controlled immigration, lower taxation, freedom of speech, capitalism–is considered racist, sexist, paternalistic, and bigoted. Donald Trump personifies everything the media hates (and a good portion on the right, too).

Never mind a conservative, can a Republican ever win nationally against these headwinds? The Trump voters decided that what the Republican party needed was a smash-mouth guy, familiar with the media, who would speak to American greatness, the glories of unabashed capitalism, and not care what the elites thought. They got what they wanted and even a media savvy guy like Trump is being pilloried.

The problem is that with the media so religiously unified, a contradictory perspective is viewed and treated as heresy. Every Republican is a heretic. The media treats them as such. And more than any advertisement, stump speech, interview, position paper, website, or voter, they decide Presidential elections.

Melissa Mackenzie
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Melissa Mackenzie is Publisher of The American Spectator. Melissa commentates for the BBC and has appeared on Fox. Her work has been featured at The Guardian, PJ Media, and was a front page contributor to RedState. Melissa commutes from Houston, Texas to Alexandria, VA. She lives in Houston with her two sons, one daughter, and two diva rescue cats. You can follow Ms. Mackenzie on Twitter: @MelissaTweets.
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