Schilling Now a Non-Person - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Schilling Now a Non-Person


ESPN was not done with Curt Schilling after firing him for having the temerity, against left-wing fashion, to suggest publicly that men should use the men’s room. Taking a page from the old Soviet Union, that very political network is working to make Schilling a non-person.

Before Sundays’ Red Sox/Yankees game, ESPN re-broadcast “Four Days in October,” the documentary on the 2004 American League Championship Series, perhaps the most dramatic and unlikely comeback in sports history. The Red Sox were down three games to none to the Yankees and just an inning away from elimination. Then the magic stuff began: the most consequential stolen base in baseball, more long-ball heroics by Big Papi, and a heroic pitching performance by Schilling.

When I first saw the dramatic series some years back, it properly included Schilling’s victory in game six of that series, when he pitched with an injured and tacked together ankle, the famous bloody sock game.

I remember the game well as it happened. As a Sawks fan, I was delighted when the team escaped a sweep by winning game four. Then things were extended in game five. Still two more to go. And in game six it all depended on how much an injured Schilling had that night. A very iffy business. In about the second inning, when Schilling hit 96 on the speed gun, I turned to my wife and said, “Where’s my Sawks hat Honey, I think this is doable.” As all baseball fans know, it was indeed doable.

But Sunday night Schilling, his bloody sock, and game six were missing from the documentary. Asked why the game and Schilling were excised Sunday, ESPN executives said the documentary was shortened for time considerations.

Let’s have a show of hands. How many believe it was time considerations alone and not political and personal considerations that left the most dramatic game of that most dramatic series out of Sunday’s night’s broadcast?

I thought so. I don’t either.

Larry Thornberry
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Larry Thornberry is a writer in Tampa.
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