What Women Don't Want - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

What Women Don’t Want


Re: Jeff G. Dufour’s You Are What You Read:
I just wanted to comment on Jeff Dufour’s article — which seems to blame feminism, at least in part, for the way that men’s magazines have gone downhill, or should I say down women’s blouses and up their pants? In my eyes, this trend does not come from the “feminization” of men — or from the erosion of the traditional model of what a man should be. Rather, it panders to the fundamental ideal of typical masculinity — but in a very lowbrow, and apparently low-IQ way — based on the idea that real men are defined by their willingness to desire and in many cases, dare I use the word, degrade (see the countless women bent over, leaning down, and the oh-so-witty cartoons with jokes promoting the flattening of women’s heads to better hold a beer can during fellatio) women. I would counter his argument by saying that this new breed of magazines geared toward men is actually part of a larger backlash against what feminism’s initial aims were — and that was overall respect for women — despite the word’s often negative connotation nowadays. As women move more and more into positions of power in areas of male prowess, these magazines serve to put women back in their “place.” I rank women’s magazines like Cosmo, which advise women to be the “cool girlfriend” and host a porn party for your man’s cronies, in a similar arena.

I agree with Mr. Dufour that these magazines reduce their expectations of their male audience to animals who gravitate toward the largest breasts and the most provocative pose (and sadly their #1 spot in Adweek upholds this premise), but I would continue by saying that these magazines and the women who pose for them (Playboy included) also reduce women from human beings, with minds and capabilities, to mere eye candy for male pleasure, and often worse.

Thanks for listening,
Carrie Sue Casey

Re: Bill Croke’s Sir Ted’s Excellent Western Adventure:
In reference to the article about Ted Turner’s ranches, I live in South Carolina and have heard from reliable sources more than a few things about Mr. Turner and the way he operates. In a general way, I admire Mr. Turner’s interest in land and resource conservation, but I don’t care much for the way he goes about it.

Would you venture to guess at why black bears are so numerous in the Santee Delta of South Carolina? The good word from SC plantation country is that Mr. Turner has his staff capture black bears out West and transport them to the Palmetto State. Frankly, I like the bears and — for now — they have plenty of open space to roam in our Santee Delta; however, this story mirrors what your correspondent from Cody determined regarding the arrogance with which Mr. Turner conducts himself. Moreover, what will he release next and how will it effect the property next door?
Charles W. Waring III
Charleston, SC

I remember when Ted Turner was a Reagan-loving conservative back in the 80s on Phil Donahue’s show. I guess it must be just a coincidence, then, that his lithium doses increased in direct proportion to his foaming-at-the-mouth liberalism.
Kitty Myers
Painted Post, NY

Re: George Neumayr’s The Clintonian Cardinal:
I like your web mag and read it often. I have to admit I am somewhat confused on what to make of Cardinal Mahony. Is he really the liberal wacko that so many Catholics make him out to be? A quick web search will turn up some good pro-life homilies by him. Ten years ago he was considered one of the “Pope’s men” in USSB politics. Yes, I am aware of the liturgical ideas he proposes. But Mahony does not strike me as another Hunthausen or Weakland…. In any case, I’d like to see a more in-depth analysis of Mahony and his alleged liberalism.
Matthew Kowalski

Re: Wlady Pleszczynski’s The Daily Show and Tell:
Larry Flynt’s mere million dollar fund for dirt pales in comparison to the Scaife well oiled, NEVER ENDING, liberal bashing machine. Please, if the Scaifes of our country would spend less money and time trying to get the burrs out of their spurs, we’d would all benefit.
Pat Lhota

Just discovered your site on Lucianne.com . You’ve always been way ahead of the curve. Good luck.
H. Wirgin

Very good and honest reporting on your part makes me a loyal reader. Just found your website. As a follower of the world news from the mainstream media for many years, I feel like a fool that I took in all that biased news. Thank you and The American Prowler.org — now I can get the news as news should be reported.
Harry J. Gary
Orlando, Florida.

P.S. I don’t live in Palm Beach County.

What a Happy Day! I’ve been in a funk since the folding of AmSpec Online (even with the improvements at National Review on line), so it’s great to find all of you again! I’m looking forward to many hours of enjoyable reading! Thanks again.
— unsigned

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