Speaking of Pence - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Speaking of Pence


Re: Philip Klein’s Promote Pence:

You must be kidding, promote Mr. open borders, comprehensive immigration reform, illegal alien amnesty, Mike Pence? What in God’s name is the matter with the author of this article, is he so elitist and out of touch with middle America that he actually believes that Mike Pence would be an acceptable speaker?

Let me explain something to the author. In 2008 the number one issue on everyone’s agenda will be immigration, both illegal and legal, including those who come here on H1B visas. Do you really want the Republicans to have as their leader in the House a person who is associated with amnesty/comprehensive immigration reform. If you want to see an example of what’s coming on the immigration front, watch what happens to the candidacy of John McCain. If the Republicans are actually unconscious enough to nominate this guy they will go down in flames during the ’08 presidential election and we will end up with a Democrat in the White House. The trouble with most pundits is they are located in the DC/New York corridor and have little understanding of the rest of the country which they so often disdainfully refer to as flyover country.
Paul Martell

Amen to Philip Klein’s article on Mike Pence. I don’t know a great deal about him but what I’ve seen I like.

The trouble with Hastert is he is devoid of any charisma. It’s as if he was picked to appease the Democrats.

My Senator, Frist is about the same. Since he is leaving anyway a new leader is going to be appointed.

I hope it is as majority leader but if we lose it will be because some of our base stayed home because of a lack of leadership.
Steve Smith
Chattanooga, Tennessee

If there is one act of Bush and the Republicans that has utterly demoralized their conservative political base, it is the concerted effort to give citizenship to illegal aliens. If there is one item that Pence is infamous for, it is his illegal immigrant plan that is in fact an amnesty: cross the border, queue up at a jobs center, and return with a guaranteed path to citizenship. For all Hastert’s failings, at least he led the battle to kill amnesty. Assuming Republicans are ever in a position to appoint a Speaker, Pence will be the man to permanently cripple the Party.
David Sisk

Mr. Klein is undoubtedly right about the GOP in the House of Representatives needing new leadership. I think that it is a certainty that the leadership ought to come from the members of the Republican Study Committee.

As for Mr. Pence, has he learned his lesson about the immigration issue? Since that is one of my top three issues, I would want to know that he has given up on that silly amnesty plan that he was putting forward. Yes, it was an amnesty plan, no matter what you misnamed it. I would want to know that he fully understands that complete border control (or as complete as humanly possible) was in place, implemented, and actually working, before ANY program of any kind that granted citizenship to someone that was here already was passed into law. We should NOT start out by granting “a path to citizenship” to people that are criminals by virtue of breaking any of our laws, including being here illegally. I would trust Cong. Pence on any other issue.

I do think that it makes a difference whether you are talking about electing a Speaker of the House, or a Majority/Minority Leader of the Republicans. The two jobs, and therefore the requirements, are quite different. In my mind, that is why Newt was a fine Minority Leader, but not a good Speaker of the House. The Speaker must be absolutely iron willed and iron fisted, while seeming non-partisan and completely reasonable, a creature of the House that knows the rules and workings inside and out and unafraid to apply them against anyone on either side of the aisle equally and consistently, and yet someone the appears to be constantly seeking negotiated consensus between all parties, in both Houses and at the White House. Note, I only say that he or she must “appear” or “seem” to be so nice and reasonable. The Speaker must always be ready and able to visit the wrath of God upon a Congressperson that strays beyond the bounds, but it must only be done face to face, behind closed doors, with no witnesses and no paper trail.

Majority/Minority Leader, on the other hand, is a partisan post, and would be ideal, it would seem, for someone of Cong. Pence’s credentials.

At any rate, I think that Mr. Klein is on the right track in prescribing new leadership in the House for the GOP. The current team has shown that they leave something to be desired in both partisan activities and in governing.
Ken Shreve

I will predict that my congressman Mike Pence will turn down an opportunity to be House leader. I suspect that he has sights on the “Big job” as Hoosiers would say. Though he would accept the second slot in 2008 “top of the ticket.”
T.J. Voegele
Oldenburg, Indiana

Re: Marlo Lewis’s The Snowe-Rockefeller Road to Kyoto:

Thanks for the clarity in Mr. Lewis’s article, “The Snowe-Rockefeller Road to Kyoto.” On the other hand, I believe we should join Kyoto and loudly proclaim our intentions of reducing CO2 emissions, but by an amount larger than what Euro-California has targeted, say 90%. Then, we can do just what Europe has done, and California will do — ignore them. The leftist press gives full credit for intentions and ignores the complete lack of implementation (That might damage their self-esteem). Sure it’s a little hypocritical, but Europeans and the left seem to love hypocrites.
Roger D. McKinney
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

At first I thought this was funny. CEI influencing “the Media.” But I suddenly realized that Senators Snowe and Rockefeller aren’t funny. The fact that these two are in the U.S. Senate is frightening.
Al Markel
San Francisco, California

Great article, and spot-on.

One thing the reader should know: If Sens. Olympia Snowe and John Rockefeller are so enamored with the Kyoto Protocol, then why did the Senate vote it down 98-0 when it was brought up for ratification?

Talking out of both sides of mouth, are we?
Owen H. Carneal, Jr.
Yorktown, Virginia

Are any of the people who are doing these economic Armageddon calculations trained in the same place or using the same methods as the ones in the United States who are always telling us that taxing us for building the next new sports stadium or convention center is the next best thing to having your own personal cornucopia? I think they are getting pretty desperate when economics, the dismal science, has to rescue traditional science.
Danny L. Newton
Cookeville, Tennessee

Re: Brendan Conway’s Who Will Succeed Henry Hyde?:

I am a Vietnam Veteran. I live in Judy Biggert’s district so I have no say in the Roskam election. I respect her sacrifices as a combat Veteran but disagree with all her positions (that is if you can get her to take a position).

She doesn’t live in the 6th district, is a pawn of the dims and will not represent the people of that district. The VFW has chosen to endorse Peter Roskam. As a VFW member I am glad they took that position. BTW, if she is not using her disability as a crutch why does she wear a dress instead of pants? Is it to show off the metal legs? We all know about her injuries and do respect and honor that sacrifice but get on the bus Tammy and really support us Veterans. Vote for Roskam.
Mike Barbour
Naperville, Illinois

If the voters of Illinois’ 6th District don’t realize that a vote for Tammy Duckworth is a vote for Rahm Emanuel, Richie Daley, and the Chicago machine, then they deserve her. Duckworth is a prop for the Democrats just like Jim Brady has been a prop for the anti-gun lobby. A couple of years ago, Emanuel or Durbin or any Democrat wouldn’t have given Duckworth the time of day — because she was in the military. Now, they intend to use her (and her military wounds) to take over Congress. I guess Duckworth doesn’t realize it either.
Jack Hughes
Chicago, Illinois

Re: The Washington Prowler’s Cheapskate Kerry:

I don’t think the Democrats can stop themselves from running Jacques Kerry-Heinz or someone very much like him. The Democrats are the party of the elites, our homegrown American royalty. Their supporters are movies queens (both genders); wealthy foreigners (the Chinese and the French felon Soros) and those who are fabulously wealthy (John and Teddy) through no effort of their own. A writer once scribed when describing the children of Winston Churchill and Joseph Kennedy: “it takes a mere two generations to breed the brains out of their offspring,” hence there exist a great many empty headed Democrats out there. They will once again put up someone who is an elitist. Whether it is elitist in training, Mrs. Clinton or elitist by birthright into the Tennessee Royal Family, Al Gore, or a Lamont type, it will be a person with absolutely no connection to either Joe Sixpack (me) or reality. I promise.
Jay W. Molyneaux
Wellington, Florida

It’s no surprise to get more data that shows John Kerry was, is and will always be in the political and public arena for only himself, regardless of what he says or tries to say publicly, regardless of what rules or codes of conduct he ignores. So, while I appreciate that Howard Dean and John Edwards carp about what amounts to Kerry’s larceny, I wonder if they didn’t foresee the theft and, as their last straw, have gone public to free the funds.

Even so, embarrassment doesn’t seem to quench Kerry’s behaviors, though, does it? They should know that, too.
C. Kenna Amos
Princeton, West Virginia

This is not a letter but just a point of clarification regarding any flushing sounds associated with John Kerry.

I realize it is convenient to lump Martha’s Vineyard in with Nantucket as though the island are interchangeable but John Kerry’s summer home is on Nantucket. I do not recall any Kerry visit’s to Martha’s Vineyard. I doubt his humor would be appreciated on the Vineyard.

Nelson Sigelman

Re: Christopher Orlet’s Beat Me in St. Louis:

Congratulations to Chris for revealing the truth!

The non-independent reporters of our local rag, the Post “Disgrace,” would never write such an incisive piece.

Keep it up Chris, the region of StL severely needs this type of journalism!

Re: Lawrence Henry’s A Tournament Too Far:

This was an excellent article that was well written and very thorough. However, there were no suggestions for fixing what’s wrong with the PGA. I think it is relatively obvious and easy. The PGA needs to adopt what the LPGA does. ALL touring pros MUST play every tournament at least once every 3 or 4 years (that needs to be decided). The ONLY exception are those played during the same week as one of the majors. This restores many of the tournament sites with larger revenues since there will be more of the top players in action. It also throws down the gauntlet that you may be number 1, 2, or 3, etc but you WILL play the John Deere and the like on a rotating basis. This also brings the top players in unaccustomed areas that will add to golfer’s enjoyment and enthusiasm.
John White
Murrells Inlet, South Carolina

Re: Thomas Van Nostrand’s letter (under “Ode to Democrat Diversity”) in Reader Mail’s Kerry Alumni:

WOW, I am sooooooooo impressed with all the letters following you name, you MUST be soooooo smart…. NOT.

As far as the diversity of the “Democratic” party, just ask Joe how much diversity this party has that will throw you over for loving America and wanting to protect it from the likes of you. There is nothing democratic about your party.

Where were you on 9/11 when we were attacked by terrorists. Where was your pandering president when we were attacked again and again in the 90s and he did nothing about it. To busy with an intern I am guessing.

This is the best economy we have had in years and if you would take your head out of the dark place you could see it.
Elaine Kyle
(sorry no letters after my name, but I do rehab squirrels.)

I always wonder what possesses people to put a whole bunch of letters behind their name apparently to bolster their credibility. It’s not uncommon to see the occasional Ph.D. slap that after their name hoping that helps prove their point. But come on now, what are we supposed to think when the best someone can do is supply a bunch of initials that indicate he’s real good with Cisco servers and networking? What exactly does that do to add to a person’s credibility on political issues?

Having said that, Mr. Van Nostrand tries to make some rather interesting assertions regarding Democrat supposed diversity and Republican supposed cohesion as some sort of “proof” why the Dems will win this fall. I would point out to Mr. Van Nostrand that Steele, the Republican candidate for Senator is MD has been on the receiving end of some rather interesting diversification statements from the party of diversity, to wit: Lawn Jockey and other pejoratives. In fact, it appears that black Democrats are supporting Steele because the Party of Diversity ain’t quite there yet. Go figure.

Also, if the Republicans could actually achieve cohesion, they WOULD be a party to reckon with. But one need only look at the disparities between a Snowe and a Santorum to know that ain’t happenin’ any time soon.

Perhaps Mr. Van Nostrand should also add BMOC (Big Man On Campus) on his signature to REALLY impress us!
Karl F. Auerbach
JAOG (Just An Ordinary Guy)
Eden, Utah

Quoth Man of Letters (and letters, and letters, and …) Thomas Van Nostrand, Technology Resource Specialist (a gussied-up title meaning “computer geek”):

You mentioned the lack of principled leadership in the Democratic Party, is this a joke? It is hardly worth rebuttal, but I’ll say it in one name — Tom DeLay.

Ah, yes, Tom DeLay — arguably, the most effective House GOP Whip/Majority Leader ever. Which, of course, is why Travis County prosecutor Ronnie Earle bragged to a meeting of LEPPs (Long-Eared Plow-Pullers) that he was going to “bring Delay down.” So, Mr. Earle charged Mr. Delay with a “crime” which wasn’t even on the books at the time Mr. Delay was accused of having committed the “offense”. Mr. Earle then shopped his specious charges to several grand juries until he found one which was newly impaneled (earlier that same day), whose members bought his claptrap and made of Mr. Delay a ham sandwich. (The foreman of said jury later admitted that the main reason he voted to indict was because he didn’t like Tom Delay.) Mr. Delay was forced to resign his leadership position only because the GOP had stupidly imposed upon itself a rule that leaders must resign their posts upon indictment — even if said indictment is false upon its face and was brought by a petty partisan prosecutor, as a ploy for political purposes.

Something must’ve been added to the water supply since I attended classes at the Clearwater Campus (in 1968, while Dr. Bennett was president of SPJC). Back then, Young Americans for Freedom and the College Young Republicans had a strong presence. “SDS,” as such, was not allowed on campus, so they called themselves “Students for a Participatory Democracy” and had a 23-year-old history instructor (a Marxist/feminist) as a faculty advisor. We smiled tolerantly and sighed when they indulged in their antics. Now, it seems, they run the place!
David Gonzalez
Wheeling, Illinois

Re: Ken Shreve’s letter (under “Conservative Cat Fight”) in Reader Mail’s Boomer Fizzles:

Re: Ken Shreve’s Oct. 31 letter, addressing various emotional responses attributed to me by his terminal miff mode over President Bush.

As I know Mr. Shreve would hate to think he was being ignored, let me just say that the Kerry Kerfuffle has had me so awash in mirth, glee, and champagne-popping good humor, I just didn’t want to break the mood.

After enumerating the many delusions he believes I labor under, Mr. Shreve chivalrously states he will not cast aspersions at me. Well, that is good news. At least I will know to dodge, if he does. I had always thought aspersions were cast on.

I do appreciate his ponderous explanation of the delay of the aircraft carrier, the accidents that might have happened. The disgruntlement the crew must have felt. My goodness, I am surprised there was not mutiny. If I was misinformed, blame American Enterprise magazine, my other source of information, besides The American Spectator. As I stay away from blogs, I did not happen upon the fine details Mr. Shreve has at his disposal. Nor do I possess the pessimistic imagination he enjoys.

Take umbrage? If I have ever taken umbrage, it was by mistake. Umbrage, kudos — pomposities we’ve all heard of, no one has ever seen one. The most I get is mildly irked by the repetition of un-funny cliches and cute labels — like “El Presidente.”

Mr. Shreve, if you really want to hold a president’s feet to the fire, why not James Polk, (Dem) for keeping a campaign promise back in 1846 , “settling” ongoing border disputes with Mexico by engaging us in the Mexican-American War. When we “won” it in 1848, Mexico ceded Texas, California and New Mexico to us. We paid (we always pay the vanqished) Mexico 15 million bucks, which in 1848 was probably fair, taking into consideration the dollar/peso ratio for undeveloped real estate.

If Mexico had won, Ken would be living on the outskirts of sprawling Juarez and I’d be living in Norte Baja California. and the illegals would be sneaking over the the borders of Arkansas and Oregon or points north today, instead of the present ones.

One hundred and fifty-eight years of illegals and it didn’t become “hordes of illegals” until George Bush became president. I don’t recall Bill Clinton’s having this economic enchilada served up to him.

All of this puts me in mind of the start-up of the Gulf War. I was cashing in a ton of coke cans for Cub Scouts at a “weigh-station” recycling place — a big trailer like thing with the tailgate down so the Berkeley type hippie manning the operation could take his ease in a deck chair between transactions. The subject of war came up and he began discoursing on “inside info” he had about 125,000 body bags that had already been ordered, and every bad decision every one in the administration was making, and blah, blah, blah. I listened and when he had finally regurgitated his flower-child bile, I said, “You know that is the whole problem with this country. We have all those half-wits back there making hare-brained decisions and here you are, got it all figured out, but you can’t leave your work to go to D.C. and share your knowledge. Reminds me of the guy who knows 100 ways to please a woman, but he doesn’t know a woman.”
Diane Smith
(Not a cheer leader but not a brow-beater either)
South San Francisco, California

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