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Angry White Liberals


Re: Robert M. Goldberg’s The Kennedy-Orszag $700 Billion Fix:

Robert M. Goldberg writes of Senator Ted Kennedy that “he truly believes that only government can ‘move from a system that rewards doctors for the sheer volume of tests and treatments they prescribe to one that rewards quality and positive outcomes.'”

Goldberg then cites as Kennedy’s example:

“In Medicare today, 18 percent of patients discharged from a hospital are re-admitted within 30 days — at a cost of more than $15 billion in 2005. Most of these re-admissions are unnecessary, but we don’t reward hospitals and doctors for preventing them. By changing that, we’ll save billions of dollars while improving the quality of care for patients.”

Senator Kennedy is 76 years old. He has been hospitalized multiple times in the past year due to his brain cancer. Senator Kennedy is going to die.

Therefore, his hospital readmission was unnecessary? Though Senator Kennedy has lived a long and privileged life, he has made lifestyle choices that are not conducive to good health. At what point would President Obama, as Commander in Chief of Medical Forces, tell the Senator that he’s not getting the surgery, only a painkiller? By Senator Kennedy’s definition, shared by President Obama, succumbing prematurely would be a good outcome.
— Dan Martin

Thanks, Mr. Goldberg, for another incisive analysis. I have to fight against rising anger every time that huge hypocrite Teddy Kennedy opens his mouth.

Here’s why. You wrote, “Kennedy’s legislation would rob Americans first of choice, then of progress, and ultimately of victory against diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and stroke.”

Error. It should read “most Americans.” Kennedy and his family will always have access to the best care available. He, his family, and his friends in the very highest places will never allow the restrictions they will place on everyone else’s healthcare to have a whisper of an effect on their own.

We’ll get painkillers instead, and euthanasia when they’re ready to foist that off on us and expect our averted-eyes boot-licking gratitude.
— A.C. Santore

Re: Jeffrey Lord’s The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Maureen Dowd:

Jeffrey Lord in this article made my day. Sorry Clint but I have a new hero.
— J. Gedroic

Congratulations to Jeffrey Lord — nobody could describe Maureen Dowd and the New York Times better. As a refugee from a communist country so many years ago, I started calling the NY Times “the NY Pravda” back in 1968. As for that hissing viper Maureen Dowd — I know her opinion on any subject in advance and will take bets on that. Together with Pelosi, Boxer, Waters, Feinstein, McKinney and several such others, comrade Dowd would have made an ideal candidate for a professional Gulag boss in charge of re-education.
— Marc Jeric
Las Vegas, Nevada

This piece was absolutely one of the funniest I’ve ever read while at that same time it shredded cheerleaders of the institutionalized racism that has become the norm in our country.

Thanks for such a great piece!
— Paul Moat
Towaco, New Jersey

I’m white delighted with the white exquisite analysis of the white Mr. Jeffrey Lord, but still, white am I suspicious of the white editorial board and white Mo of the Times?
— A. A. Reynolds

Re: Ken Blackwell’s Hillary’s Saari Tour of India:

Empowering women with education, health and choices for their lives is at the very core of any hope for the future. That is what the United Nations Population Fund does. It saves women’s lives in childbirth (over 500,000 die each year), and offers voluntary family planning which saves both women’s and children’s lives. UNFPA may have made small mistakes in the past, but in the last twenty years, it has a stellar reputation. Last year, 181 countries supported UNFPA but not our own. This put us way outside the mainstream and hurt our reputation in the world. This year Obama has released the $50 million Congress approved.

Although UNFPA is not involved in abortion related activities, here are some startling statistics. Of the 200 million pregnancies in the world every year, fully twenty percent end in abortion, i.e., 40 million. Of these, half are illegal and unsafe — resulting in about 70,000 deaths and over five million injuries, hemorrhages and infections. Is that what we want? If truth be told, when the world takes care of women, women take care of the world. UNFPA takes care of the world’s women. Its family planning programs prevent hundreds of thousands, if not millions of abortions. I am thrilled to be cofounder of 34 Million Friends of the United Nations Population Fund.
— Jane Roberts
Redlands, California

Re: Robert P. Kirchoefer’s Granting Environmental Indulgences:

The editorial by Robert Kirchhoefer is absolutely right on target. I have said this to anyone that will listen. How does Al Gore, for instance, make the planet any cleaner by buying a carbon credit? And how can I get into that potentially lucrative field where one can sell “nothing” for lots of money? This is the most stupid idea I have ever heard. It is a way for the new Bishops and Cardinals of the world, the uber rich and politicians, to sell “feel good” to those needing it or as a new tax for those trying to produce product.

Thank you for the article. I will share it with many.
— Patrick Mandeville
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Re: Matt Bowman’s Sebelius and Kmiec Catholicism:

To be a Pro Lifer and to stand firm against abortion is more than tough. Being called to the Catholic faith is not easy. I recommend and even challenge readers go to the Catholic Catechism and read the teachings on Abortion. I believe all will come away with an understanding of the value of life they never had. Please, I encourage you to read it — all your readers.

Catholics for Free Choice: Catholics have always had free choice — God has given us free choice — but the choice is to accept or reject God’s teachings. We are all challenged with the tough decisions. Or we choose not to be involved or informed.

A Cafeteria Catholic chooses from the faith items that make life easier — the tougher decisions require backbone.

Creation of life starts in the 1st book of the Bible, as we read through the entire Bible, we learn that we are created in the image of God and God values life… life that He created.
— Kasey

Re: Ralph R. Reiland’s A Nation of One-Eyed Sycophants?:

When the Democrats are swept from power, it will be interesting to see if the Republicans have enough residual conviction to undo detrimental Obama policies and, if so, how violent Democrat “activists” will become.
— David Govett
Davis, California

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