Iran Admits to Secret Nuke Plant - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Iran Admits to Secret Nuke Plant


This morning brings news that Iran has been buiding another secret nuclear plant that is has been hiding from the international community. While this shouldn’t be a surprise to those who do not trust the regime and have long held that the nation is racing toward building a nuclear weapon, it does complicate President Obama’s ability to argue that we can negotiate with this regime and trust them to honor their agreements.

“The size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful (nuclear) program,” Obama said this morning, according to USA Today.

“Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow, endangering the global nonproliferation regime,” he also said. “denying its own people access to the opportunity they deserve, and threatening the stability and security of the region and the world.”

He added, according to the Washington Post account, “International law is not an empty promise.”

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