Purpose-Driven Inauguration - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Purpose-Driven Inauguration


Surprise!  Purpose-driven mega-church pastor Rick Warren is giving the invocation at Obama’s inauguration.

Says the CBN blog:

It makes a whole lot of sense. Even though Warren and Obama disagree on the life issue, they do see eye to eye on many social justice issues. This move is also classic Obama because it is a signal to religious conservatives that he’s willing to bring in both sides to the faith discussion in this country. Obama has never shied away from that.

Even though they disagree on the life issue? Um. Kind of a big deal. For a conservative. And for a pastor. I would think.

Holding a forum forcing Obama to discuss his views is one thing. Supporting him publicly by praying/speaking at his inauguration is another. Frankly, this is a spineless move on Warren’s part and a so-so move on Obama’s. Unfortunately for the latter, it will be effective for many ‘religious conservatives’ who love the “Purpose-Driven” series though it will succeed in irking others.

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