Newsweek Goes to Bat For Obama on Hamas - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Newsweek Goes to Bat For Obama on Hamas


In a Newsweek cover story evidently written to preempt any legitimate criticism of a presidential candidate with the thinest records of any presidential candidate in the modern era, Richard Wolffe and Evan Thomas swallow whole the Obama campaign’s contention that John McCain is unfaily smering Obama by correctly noting that a Hamas spokesman has endorsed the naive senator. The article never mentions the fact that a Hamas spokesman did actually endorse Obama, nor did it mention (perhaps becuase of the deadline) that an adviser to Obama actually was meeting with the terrorist group.

In my piece for today, I go much further than McCain ever would, sifting through Obama’s past, his questionable associations, and his current double talk on Hamas and Israel.

Here was my conclusion:

Obama is running for the most powerful job in the world without much of a public record of which to speak. Yet those who demand to know a little bit more about the candidate by scrutinizing his statements and relationships are arrogantly dismissed as engaging in “smears” and being divisive for refusing to simply take him at his word.

Welcome to the new kind of politics.

McCain adviser Mark Salter has already issued a response to the Newsweek story.

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