Re: May the best candidate win... - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Re: May the best candidate win…


Honestly, my interest in anything Rush does has always been something approaching nil for the same reason I don’t listen to the Beastie Boys: Way too much of his show is taken up with preening about his spectacular abilities. Maybe it’s a personality flaw, but I prefer to listen to someone with a little less self-esteem, late night guys who bring a little modesty or crazy to the table.

Nonetheless Conor, don’t fool yourself: Obama is as likely, should Congress acquiesce, to institute mandates as Clinton–perhaps even moreso since his health advisors are already framing mandates as a necessary evil should corporations or Republicans fail to bend to Humpty Hope-Monger’s will. (How likely do you think it is that a dyed-in-the-wool lib like Obama will be satisifed with corporate or conservative compromise?) I see Obama’s devotion to meeting with bad men going the way of his solidarity with Palestine once he’s playing to a general election crowd. And when the war was young the guy vigorously played both sides of the fence as well–for purely political reasons he now says. Very comforting!

So, yeah, of we want to discuss how stupid or brilliant “Operation Chaos” is or isn’t, have at it. But we don’t need to whitewash our aspiring Lecturer-in-Chief in the process.

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