Crazy Dean Watch - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Crazy Dean Watch


Should Barack Obama become the Democratic nominee, one of the interesting stories will be his relationship with DNC Chairman Howard Dean. Obama talks about uniting the country and wanting to run a respectful campaign, but Dean, who represents the angry left at its most vile, will make that utterly impossible. Today is a perfect example. This morning, John McCain released a positive ad highlighting his lifetime of service to the American people, which nobody would deny.  

The DNC soon sent out the following release in which Dean accused McCain of being a "blatant opportunist:"

After casting aside his image as a so-called "maverick" and morphing into the ultimate Bush Republican in the primaries, John McCain today released a new ad aimed at reintroducing himself to the country. After giving two "major policy speeches" that didn't include any new policies or proposals, McCain's new ad gives the American people no idea of what he would do to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end, address the mortgage crisis confronting American homeowners, or get our economy back on track.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement on McCain's ad:

"The American people have been waiting for a president who understands the challenges they face, not another out of touch Bush Republican who promises four more years of the same failed leadership. John McCain can try to reintroduce himself to the country, but he can't change the fact that he cast aside his principles to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with President Bush for the last seven years. While we honor McCain's military service, the fact is Americans want a real leader who offers real solutions, not a blatant opportunist who doesn't understand the economy and is promising to keep our troops in Iraq for 100 years."

If Dean is willing to go this ballistic over a positive biographical ad, I can only imagine what else he has in store for us over the course of a heated general election. It won't be pretty.

The RNC is demanding an apology in a statement from Deputy Chairman Frank Donatelli:

"It is beyond comprehension that Howard Dean would smear John McCain's character by stating he is a 'blatant opportunist.'  John McCain served our nation heroically and valiantly and it is absolutely unacceptable that the chairman of the Democratic National Committee would attack Senator McCain for discussing his record with the American people.  Dean’s comments are the latest in what has become a troubling pattern where the chairman of the national party has questioned Senator McCain's character and integrity.  Howard Dean owes John McCain an immediate apology and both Senators Clinton and Obama should unequivocally denounce this disgraceful attack."

Don't hold your breath.  

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