"The Audacity of Nope" - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

“The Audacity of Nope”


The Clinton campaign has launched another attack on Barack Obama for standing in the way of revotes in Florida and Michigan.

Clinton spokesman Phil Singer argued that the issue represented another example of the Obama campaign letting words speak louder than actions. Obama’s ads, he noted, portray a civil rights attorney who fought for votes to be counted and an activist and who led a voter registration drive in 1992. But now he wants to disenfranchise voters in two states.

“When it comes to voting, Sen. Obama has turned the Audacity of Hope to the Audacity of Nope,” Singer quiped, in the prepackaged line of the day.

Singer also pulled the Forida 2000 card, saying that the nation would have been spared a Bush presidency if every vote would have been counted.

Clinton advisor Harold Ickes later chimed in to reiterate the campaign’s contention that a failure to seat delegates from Florida and Michigan at the Democratic convention would imperil the party’s chances of winning those states in November.

“Slapping these people in the face is not the way to engender their support,” Ickes said.

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