Romney 2.0 - er 3.0? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Romney 2.0 — er 3.0?


Here is a fairly revealing piece on the Romney effort to regroup. I wonder if coming up with yet another message and another attack line (“McCain is a Washington insider”) merely plays into the chameleon/negativity problem Romney has. He only has a few days and now rolling out a new line against McCain which so obviously tries to play into the “change” message that consultants extracted from the Iowa results seems risky. One thing is clear however: Romney’s immigration attacks didn’t carry the day against Huckabee who narrowly won over voters on that issue so this, which was one of his top issues against McCain, may just not be viable. He could run a positive, I’m a fighter and you’ve never seen me like this kind of message instead. You know, try to convince voters why they should like him. Others are a bit bemsued too.

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