Accusing Mark Steyn - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Accusing Mark Steyn


The Muslim law students who have filed human rights’ complaints in Canada against Maclean‘s for publishing a Mark Steyn article critical of Islam have taken to the pages of the National Post to explain that all they want is equal time. “If Maclean’s wants to publish articles alleging that many Muslims are ‘hot for jihad,’ it has to provide an opportunity to respond,” the students argue (emphasis mine). By this logic, everytime Paul Krugman writes something I find idiotic, the NY Times should be legally forced into publishing my response. Making things even more ridiculous, Stanley Kurtz notes that, “What (the students) don’t say is that they have demanded the right to a cover story in Maclean’s, with full editorial control over content and art.” Another irony is that today they were given space in the National Post, a major newspaper in Canada, and instead of, you know, responding, they just whine about how they were never given a chance to respond. What a sad spectacle.

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