The Debate - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Debate


Tomorrow we’ll see all the GOP contenders on the stage in Michigan and enjoy the post debate spin. But for now, the Top Ten Things You Won’t Hear:
1. Hey Chris, I’ll have my new advisor Jon Stewart answer that question.
2. Third party candidates? Great idea and it worked out so well for Bush 41.
3. That Jennifer Granholm is my idea of a leader.
4. Time to get those CAFE Standards over 50 mpg.
5. Since we’ve done a bunch of these debates already let’s let Fred answer all the questions.
6. Can you ask Ron Paul that foreign policy question first so I can just react to him?
7. Could I have one of those Bible verse questions you asked the Democrats?
8. Rumsfeld, Gonzales and Brownie would be my first three cabinet appointees.
9. I’m with Hillary–no troop withdrawal before the end of her first term.
10. I love big states like Michigan where I don’t actually have to talk to all the voters one by one.

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