Recipe for Crow? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Recipe for Crow?


Jennifer, please direct me to a cookbook with a good recipe for crow, because I need to eat some of it. I actually had read your excellent piece on Huckabee at NRO and had just forgotten it was yours. So I stand corrected — and embarrassed. I still can’t believe the MSM would do hit pieces on a non-candidate’s WIFE when they haven’t even done basic due diligence on a real candidate’s own record — especially on ethics. Hey, if anybody knows where Jon Weill is these days, he is a terrific reporter who did top-notch work for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette back in 1997 or early 1998 (when I was an editorial writer there, which is how I was able first-hand to develop a healthy skepticism for Huck’s ethics), bedeviling Huckabee by consistently showing the ethical breaches in his holier-than-thou persona. Find Jon, or his stories: They are a treasure trove. I guarantee you that Hillary’s Arkansas connections have huge files of such materials, salivating at the thought of Republicans being stupid enough to nominate Huck and thus handing them such an easy target to eviscerate in the general election.

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