Placenta Stew - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Placenta Stew


This deserves a cross-magazine chime-in, if for no other reason than my ability to pull journalistic seniority on the NRO crew. On The Corner, Jonah Goldberg has taken off on the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes declaration that they intend to eat the placenta from their baby-to-be. In 1972, I hitchhiked from L.A. to San Francisco, and stayed overnight near Santa Cruz in a commune devoted to all things natural. This group had self-published a book on their various creeds and practices. Said book included a recipe for placenta stew, together with photographs of said dish in process of preparation. I wrote a story about it and sent it of to the long-forgotten news service for which I was stringing at the time. As I recall, I got paid, but I don’t know when or where or even if the story appeared.

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