Port of Call - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Port of Call


So the possibility of a Middle-Eastern-managed American port system is all it took to get the President to notice that he had this weird procedural power called a “veto”? Maybe if that bridge to nowhere had been toward North Korea we’d have seen that veto pen whipped out a bit faster and held more firmly.

This port deal is getting weirder and weirder, and we’re here to tell you that when everything is said and done, it will be weirder still.

What we can’t figure out, is how tone deaf both the British (selling) and the Arab (buying) firms were to possible American political concerns. Usually in such deals, the corporations involved hire a raft of consultants to assist them in this regard. It would be interesting to see whom the corporations retained for this one. No doubt a lot of money changed hands, and neither side got its money’s worth.

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