Rep. Hank Johnson’s Jewish Pests - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Rep. Hank Johnson’s Jewish Pests


When you compare Jews to termites, the implication is that what is wanting is a call to the exterminator. So, when Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson (D) compared the Jews of Judea and Samaria to termites, you would naturally think that the Anti-Defamation League would criticize his remark as somewhat more horrendous than “unhelpful.” It was sort of like telling Hitler that Mein Kampf was “somewhat unfair” to Jews.

Of course, Congressman Johnson is a Democrat. Jewish organizations do not particularly like criticizing Democrats, and then Johnson doesn’t always seem to be all there. He has become a source of derision on the Hill ever since he opined that an American military base on Guam would so overpopulate the island that it would tilt and fall into the ocean.

On October 5, 2014 the Washingtonian published its 15th biennial “Best & Worst of Congress” list. Congressional staffers voted Rep. Johnson “Worst Speaker” and “Most Clueless.”

Needless to say, these are the sterling qualities that would qualify one to speak to an anti-Israel audience that believes that if Israel cannot be tilted into the sea, perhaps the Jews could be pushed there. After all, that was the refrain of the Arab states when they refused to accept the partition plan of 1948 and vowed to push the Jews into the sea.

Sixty-eight years later the Jews are still there, creating scientific and technological wonders and achieving a standard of living equal to some of the European countries. In contrast, Palestinians are still playing the role of victim while their leaders export violence and terrorism as they plunder international aid for personal gain. After all, how else could President Abbas build a helicopter pad for his multi-million-dollar mansion? And could we expect Mrs. Arafat to live in Paris without tens of millions of dollars in her bank account?

Living in Paris is expensive. Living in a refugee camp is cheap.

The good congressman’s speech to a group that promotes boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel was as futile as it was offensive. No one really is going to boycott the pharmaceutical cures and life-saving medical techniques that Israel exports. Would fellow speaker and popular Israel basher James Zogby tell his female relatives that they cannot get the new non-invasive test for breast cancer because it was invented in Israel? Would he tell his teenage relatives that they cannot use the blue-light treatment for acne because it too is an Israeli export?

When facing serious family medical issues, even Palestinian Authority President Abbas sends his wife to Israel for medical treatment. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh sent his daughter to Israel for medical treatment even while threatening to destroy the Jewish state, presumably after her release.

As for the Jewish towns and villages of Judea and Samaria, there are no boundaries of “Palestine” any more than there is a capital of Palestine or a Palestinian currency. The so-called Green Line is merely an armistice line that was never meant to be a boundary. No Israeli government would accept such a suicidal strategy.

If the Palestinian leadership were more concerned about having a state than masquerading as victims for personal gain, there would have been a Palestinian state decades ago.

But why do that, when the world has provided such a lucrative disincentive? Third and fourth generations of families living in refugee camps would lose the aid they get for continuing to be refugees. The victim portrayal opens the largess of the international community to a greedy Palestinian leadership whose appetite for luxury seems to be endless.

It is not the Jewish towns and villages of Judea and Samaria that prevent peace. It is the economic privilege of an exploitative Palestinian leadership.

But recognizing this would mean that Hank Johnson would have to actually learn something about the Middle East. And that is difficult to do when you are kept awake at night worrying about termites or the number of military personnel it will take to tip the island of Guam into the Pacific Ocean.

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