Taken to the Clean Ayers - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Taken to the Clean Ayers



Re: Jeffrey Lord’s Stealing Pennsylvania: “Massive Fraud”:

This reeks of third world politics! The massive voter fraud mentioned in this article is just one more indication that the Democrats will do anything required in order to win this election.
C. Knight

The instances of voter fraud in the state of Pennsylvania are being repeated across the country. In my state of Ohio, there are over 600,000 “new” voters — registered and voted the same day without verification — whose votes were intentionally mixed with legitimate votes even though lawmakers tried to stop it.

Can we not delay the election until this is straightened out?


What does the acronym ACORN stand for? No where in the article is it enumerated.

Mel Babb

t; Jeffrey Lord replies:
ACORN is the acronym for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

Re: Daniel Allott’s Intolerance for Imperfection:

I found “Intolerance for Imperfection” by Daniel Allot potentially terrifying. What frightens me more than the already-existent indifference of parents to their “less-than-perfect” offspring is what the future may hold. When the government has a financial stake in the prevention of the existence of a cost-prohibitive entity (ObamaCare), government accountants will determine if potential expenditures outweigh any anticipated added benefit to society. If so, the burden MUST therefore be terminated.

I can hardly wait. Margaret Sanger’s shade must be giddy with anticipation.
Francis White
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Re: Patrick O’Hannigan’s Why Ayers Still Matters:

One of the most incomprehensible and infuriating aspects of Mr. McCain’s campaign is its seemingly deliberate refusal to address the issues so neatly laid out by Mr. O’Hannigan in this piece, as well as countless others across the New Media spectrum. McCain’s trainers and handlers surely know that the MSM will do whatever it takes to bury or whitewash these facts (they are NOT “allegations”). Hence, Mr. Ayers’ preferred MSM appellation as an “education reformer.”

Questions regarding a candidate’s character and judgment should supersede all other concerns. Mr. Obama’s practiced lack of candor, and downright lies, regarding his background and life experience should raise red flags from sea to shining sea.
Richard Meade
Bayside, New York

Ayers, or really what we are talking about is what Ayers stands for, doesn’t matter as much now as it will matter when Obama is President. Education is something that touches the average American’s lives whether they have children or not. It is more tangible than knowing a domestic terrorist. Remember, all politics is local. Voters buy overpriced fundraising products, volunteer at school, and worry that their own kids are not losing the education race. The number one thing most parents sacrifice for is what they are told their kid needs to be educated. The majority of voters still believe that it is never a waste in putting money in education.

McCain has to prove them wrong, and the issue is blatantly in front of him. How many in the public would be willing to buy a Ford Focus for a Mercedes price? The scandal of Obama’s Annenberg Challenge management is that the children involved didn’t even get a pot to piss in.

Educational philosophy and the economic issues it involves are much larger than Ayers alone. I don’t think Obama will place him in a highly visible position, but will place the philosophy in one.

What exactly are each candidates positions on education? I know Obama wants to make it a priority by introducing universal preschool, not cutting spending and possibly increasing it right away. He would have to, because it takes a few years for indoctrination to happen. Even Palin has talked about increasing the amount of money we spend.

Here in the state of Michigan, education is our single largest budget item, our teachers one of the higher paid in the nation, and yet our largest city’s public school system is in shambles. What would Obama suggest we do, hire a consultant such as Ayers, to spend more and produce zero? I know our collective math and logical reasoning skills are bad, but nonexistent?

Ayers matters, but he will matter more than in a character flaw in Obama. By the way, if Obama doesn’t care about a live baby, how much do you really thing he cares about someone such as Ayers? Obama is a cold, callous, calculating man.
Rebecca W.

Let us accept every Obama excuse for his teaming up with Ayers to accomplish Ayers’ goals. Okay, so now Obama by his own definition is ignorant, clueless, and incompetent. Let us shout this from the rooftops. By itself, that should rule him out of contention for the Presidency. But something horrible lies much deeper underneath the surface of this relationship. And this ugly horrible truth underlies the whole premise of Democrat politics.

Democrats for years have used the pretense of good intentions and phony compassion to sway peoples’ hearts, and fool us into letting them do things that cause us serious harm. By playing on our emotions, they get people to separate their hearts from their minds. And by playing on compassion, they define themselves as the only true source of good. By default that turns anyone who opposes them into some caricature of evil. And these characterizations are intentional.

Watch how it plays out. They caused this mess, yet they are literally drooling over the opportunity that this mess, which they caused, is giving them to gain more power to implement more messes. Because Democrats have people hoodwinked into thinking of them as good, it is easy for them to proclaim innocence and escape true blame. Because Democrats have people hoodwinked into thinking of their enemies as evil, it is easy for them to create scapegoats out of their victims. And the Democrats villainize these scapegoats, regardless of innocence.

Not very good behavior is it? But it has played out time and again. You must suffer, and be kept suffering for the Democrats to gain ever more power over you. And we are duped into giving them this power, because they are going to protect us from these evil villains.

If you still have your eyes closed, ask yourself this: Democrat programs are always breaking and falling apart all around us, and the people, whom these programs are supposed to be protecting and saving are always getting worse off, growing more miserable and larger in number day after day, yet: When have the Democrats ever allowed, or even joined in with, people who are trying to fix the programs? Instead of being allowed to fix programs so that they can keep on functioning, or actually retooling the programs to help out the people who are hurt, these helpmates are demonized as trying to destroy the programs and intentionally hurt the people.

Now, back to Ayers. Unlike most Democrats, Ayers is open about the evil he intends to wreak upon us. Yes, he is deluded into thinking that we are evil, and he is trying to help us achieve the good he still sees in Cuba, and the good he sees in Chavez’s new Venezuela. But most of us are not so far gone as to realize that Ayers’ delusions do not make his goals any less evil. And he makes it very clear that his current methods are little different in the desired impact than his old methods of destroying and killing to scare people into doing what he wants.

Obama, and his fellow Democrats, should not be allowed to hide behind their good intentions. And their intentional alliance with evil like Ayers proves the falseness of their good intentions. You cannot work together with evil, to achieve the same goals, without having to face the fact that your goals are achieving evil. The only way somebody can come out of that experience unrepentant is if they are just as much deluded as Ayers is.…
James Bailey
Knoxville, Tennessee

Re: R. Andrew Newman’s Time of Sifting May Be at Hand:

Mr. Newman’s article had to be written by someone; but in my time on this earth I have learned one very valuable lesson. The state of things never turns out to be as bad as “they” say it will; nor is it ever as good as “they” predict.

The world rocks along somewhere in the middle, but thank you, Mr. Newman, it was a terrifying prospect, indeed.
Judy Beumler
Louisville, Kentucky

Reading this dire warning has set me to thinking. I realize that Mr. Newman was talking about the economy and the possibility (likelihood?) of a meltdown, however, his warnings have me examining the situation in this country at a much deeper level. It is only recently that I have begun to think of America in the past tense. Like the great societies of the past, this country stands on the verge of implosion.

I was born in the late 40’s into a country that was, at once, one of the most poweful and most envied that the world had ever known. It was a beacon of freedom for the rest of the world; it was a land where hard work and honesty were almost sure bets to lead to success. Perhaps not Bill Gates or Warren Buffet success, but a modest success that to those in other countries seemed as desirable as good health and good weather. Today I live in a crumbling wreck of a land with a government so rife with corruption that it seems nothing can fix it. The federal government has morphed into a monster that devours the average citizen much like the Cyclops devoured the sailors of Odysseus. Taxes are confiscatory and are getting worse. Spending, mostly on the purchase of votes, builds a debt that will never be paid off, and we are less than a month away from electing a marxist to the highest office in the land.

I’ve finally figured out that it has taken only my lifetime to go from prosperous nation to banana republic. We have become Venezuela times ten. Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and their minions are nothing more than latter day Guevara’s, Chavez’s and Putins. Like the Venozolanos and the Cubans before them, and all the rest who thought that they were electing “Change” that would correct the problems, we are about to hand the country over to those who abhor it and have no problem with those who have actually bombed its centers of learning and committed every other type of treason imaginable. There seems no way to pull the nation back from its fate. When T. S. Eliot wrote that the world would end “not with a bang but with a whimper,” he was looking directly into our future.
Joseph Baum
Garrettsville, Ohio

I have believed for several years now that what we are seeing is the beginning of the dissolution of the United States. I am firmly convinced, as are many of my friends and family here in the Midwest, that the country is going to break up along ethnic and linguistic lines. We have an increasingly large and vocal minority of Spanish speakers in the country, whose loyalty is to their homeland and not to the U.S. We are also letting increasing numbers of unskilled legal immigrants into the country from places like Africa and South America who end up on the welfare rolls with no hope of ever participating in or contributing to a modern society. We have a political system that is broken and no longer has responds to the will of the people. Our congress and executive branch are wholly owned subsidiaries of the international banks and corporations. Who owns the Federal Reserve? It certainly isn’t the government or the taxpayers, oh! That’s right! It’s the international banks.

The future is as inevitable as death and taxes, yet our politicians are to corrupt and short sighted to see what’s coming. I am 64 years old and may not live to see what I’m predicting, but I am sure my daughter, nephews and nieces will. Let me assure you that my sentiments are not those of some inhabitant of the fever swamps of the right wing. I was raised as a Democrat in a working class union household, but left the Democratic Party after the Carter debacle. I voted for Ralph Nader the first time George Bush ran and will probably vote for a third part candidate this time around. Neither of the two mainstream candidates will address the increasingly dire choices facing the country, they will only make things worse. In fact the only difference between them is how fast they will precipitate the country’s break-up.
Paul Martell

It’s not hard to imagine what will occur now.

Obama will get elected by the majority of people that now sucks the government teat; that is, the politically-well-connected wealthy at the top, the protected class of unionized workers (at every level), and the forever dysfunctional poor at the bottom. The middle-class employees and small businessmen, who labor daily and are the economic engine of this country, will become (in fact, have already become) the cash cows that will be fleeced to support an ever-expanding government Leviathan. Therefore, the productive economic sectors, from which the extorted money is extracted, will contract dramatically. We will see intractable unemployment approaching double digits, where it will remain, as it has in Eurabia. Urban America will become like France, with uncontrollable banlieues of pathetic, disaffected minorities and illegal immigrants. Any large city in America will be like a third world hellhole. The general standard of living of every American will plummet.

Those who can will flee the states that harbor large population centers, made virtually uninhabitable by the thieving and reprobate Democrats, and seek out the mostly unsettled western regions to escape the social, political, and economic pathologies that have now overwhelmed this country. This will be necessary, due to the fact that any Republican living in a blue state will be targeted and stripped of their financial resources to feed the beast of the ever larger number of welfare state recipients. If there is any likelihood of the continuation of what was once considered the American ideal, it will be in the aftermath of such a migration.

It remains to be seen if the result of all this will be liberty’s last stand on earth. In the best of circumstances, we will become a fragmented, Balkanized nation of isolated and disparate communities, fighting to protect (or destroy) whatever freedom remains. National unity will be a pipe-dream. It may be that hope for a positive American future will now become a distant memory.
Harry Hill

While I agree that our immediate future holds some serious challenges, I’m not quite ready to panic, yet. Yes, Iran, Russia, or China could like Nazi Germany take advantage of the internal instability of its neighbors for short-term political or geopolitical benefit. But, as Mr. Newman pointed out, everyone seems interconnected these days. Both Iran and Russia need consumers for its only source of foreign revenue: oil. China is totally at the behest of U.S. consumers. Yes, China holds hundreds of billions in U.S. Treasury Notes, but what will they be worth if the U.S. government collapses? China cannot even come close to feeding its own citizens let alone providing them with basic necessities such as electricity.

Domestically, Iran and Russia are in no better shape. Iran has barely enough capital to buy refined gasoline (ironically, Iran has no refineries and must import its petrol). Iran has spent billions subsidizing its nuclear weapons capability, financing Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations — all at the expense of its own subjects. Shortages in basic necessities we take for granted (such as gasoline and food) are common. Only through oppression can the mullahs survive. However, Iran now finds itself bordered by a freer Iraq and Afghanistan. It now must spend additional time and resources censoring and stamping out ideas that inevitably will flow across its large porous borders.

In many ways Russia is in worse shape than Iran. Outside of energy, Russia has little to offer the world. Its fertility rate is one of the lowest in the world (1.1 children/couple), its rate of AIDS infection is second only to Africa, and the life expectancy of its males is only 48. Only a fascist-style leadership can keep any semblance of order; however, Putin’s mafia style politics have chased foreign investment out, and with it any chance that Russia could turn things around.

I can relate to Mr. Newman’s fears. The Great Depression is now ancient history — heck the 1982-83 recession may as well occurred in the 19th century, our memories are so short. One would have to find the elderly that are now in their mid-70s to relate to how bad it was in 1937. There are many 30-somethings, now residing in McMansion, but are living paycheck to paycheck. Many Baby-Boomers opened up their 401k statements this week to find that they lost 30% of their retirement value. Most Boomers have visions of retirement spent on the golf course or in a gated community in Pensacola, not working Wal-Mart as a greeter. The financial shock will be severe, but I wouldn’t just yet sell America short. What we are seeing is the end of the giant public-private partnerships that began with FDR. Giant corporations and financial institutions, volumes upon volumes of federal regulations, and elephantine government bureaucracy will become a thing of the past. Wall St will never be the same, but neither will our federal government. Our politicians just don’t understand that — but they will as the gravy train has left the station.

If anything, I believe the U.S. is the one nation that is best suited to weather this crisis. When short-term liquidity is finally restored and we survey the damage, we will find ourselves poorer, but we still have our freedom. Unlike Asia or Europe, the U.S. has a strong libertarian impulse not to mention the ability to get up again after taking it in the chin. We are the one nation that still maintains a conservative tradition that is not afraid to take on City Hall.

At 89 my father is a wise man. He isn’t wise because he is 89 but because he has lived his rancher’s life prudently, wisely, godly, and consistently. His personal walk of integrity is a measure of the man he is. And for sometime now, at least 2 years or more, he has spoken to me about, what he calls, “The Reckoning.” And each time I am out in west central Texas at his large ranch, we sit on the porch and look out at the land and he talks. And he tells me what he sees in his heart happening to this great country we both love. He speaks of grace, of difficulties we will face, and of the persistence and solidity of determination the previous generations of family ranchers have held. He tells me that God has allowed us to come to this point in time and the reckoning will serve to both chastise and redirect this country.

These words are hard. They are tough. They are measured also with grace, for he speaks continually of the love of the Lord and our collectively faith and hope in God which will see us through. And he always adds that he will not be there to see us through it but he will be praying for us on Heaven’s side. And I know this to be true, as his tired and failing heart is ready for rest. And his words, while difficult, both in measure to speak, will become the salve to my soul when he is gone. He has lived this hard life always demonstrating that he was God dependent and persistent and faithful in service.

In the fading light of his life Dad has become prophetical in this measure, he saw this coming many years ago and resisted saying anything until he believed the time was right to tell us to be wise and prepare. And preparing we have been. We know that our country is at the time of measuring us against God’s plumb-line, and that the choices we have made personally and collectively by elected officials, are being found faulty unwise, and abominable in God’s eyes. As a country that was founded on principles of faith and democracy we have strayed far away from the plumb-line by which we were established. We have run after notions that do not provide strength and stable paths, but lead to chaos, anarchy, attacks from our enemies, and instability. And we have elected leaders, who by virtue of their position, led this country down this path and for a dollar here and a dollar there, developed unsound actions and sold out this fine land to the highest bidder, weakened our borders, and in the worst weakness, encouraged our enemies to want to overthrow us.

And many people in our land have made personally unsound decisions of wanting things and have allowed themselves to acquire great and unpayable debts. We have been living in a time plenty and treated it as if it would never come to an end. And it has. And the lessons we should have learned in the Depression years, were tossed aside by most, others like my Dad, raised us with values of simple lives, thrift, saving, godly determination, and we stayed living in that manner. Dad’s motto was always, “Do not allow yourself too many of the finer things because the more you have the more you will grieve if it is taken away.” And right he was. And we, who have lived simply and close to the land, will know how to get through tough times, for we have roots and habits of a lifetime long established.

I knew the first night I heard her speak why Sarah Palin is a clarion call to us as conservatives. You see, we are wary of elite politicians sitting on thrones far away who lack the simplest of common sense. They have dug deep holes for our country and discarded that which was sound. Collectively as a nation, we are hungry for a return to truth, character driven leadership, right thinking, and yearn for a simple man or woman (do not confuse that term with simple thinking) to return us to policies that make sense, both morally and economically. We know that the elite hold wrong answers for us. In fact we know they only hold the keys to socialism and the destruction of our country. Give us a Sarah Palin who has lived a simple and tough life (try making a living in Alaska and see if there is room for mistakes). We want folks that can draw clear lines between right and wrong and return us to making wise choices. And a Depression and a good leader will do just that. Folks living in the hard life of economy do not have room for foolish notions, save they create personal destruction for themselves and their families.

I close this with the line, “In God we Trust.” And so it is. I do not feel hopeless, indeed I feel hope filled, for I know whose hand I hold as I walk into each day. I know He has never failed me and I know I have the simple firm principles taught to me by the leadership of some four generations of Texas cattle ranchers who lived through droughts, famine, and economic deprivation. And that will be enough.
Beverly Gunn
East Texas

Re: W. James Antle, III’s Filibusted!:

Where were these Senators when it came to immigration? Where were they when it came to limiting high-risk mortgage loans last spring? Where have they been on pushing for nuclear power?

This is an election the incumbent Republicans deserve to lose.
Yaakov “Jim” Watkins

The Republican Party has suffered significant injury. Diagnosis. Stat!

The GOP brand name has been diluted and polluted by the actions, choices and indulgences of RINO’s, but the brand name was also lacerated by tried and true Conservative Republicans who believed in their hearts that their morality needed to be imposed on the populace (e.g. wanting to save Terri Schiavo while losing the soul of the party). If the Republican Party is to ever have gravitas, seriousness and viability again, it must find and re-grow its true ideological roots of liaise faire economics and maximizing personal responsibility. This is not to advocate amputating the Religious Right; it has a place in the party; they certainly may lead by example, but CBN cohort needs to make room for the “Leave Us Alone” populist movement or the GOP will hemorrhage the valuable libertarian leaning portion of the base.

Further, this election cycle the Republican message has become muddled, muddy, murky and meandering. President Bush, with his call for “compassionate conservatism” served to reinforce the agit prop’s misleading trope that conservatism is not inherently compassionate. He undermined, consequently seriously bruised, the perception of the principles of Republican ideology by implementing unprecedented spending and regulations. Under Bush’s stewardship, the GOP lost any honest claim of being the party of business. Sadly, today more people trust the Democrats, not the Republicans, to deal with the economy. (Reality will teach the populace the sad truth, but by then damage to America may have reached biblical proportions.) And while Senator McCain is no George Bush, no matter how often the mantra is repeated, he is more than willing create and carry out policies that are diametrically opposed to conservative/libertarian policy (e.g., cap and trade, the financial bailout, McCain-Feingold, McCain-Lieberman). That the lower portion of the ticket is going to be punished for the choice of the top of the ticket is no more surprising than a body dying when the head is severely compromised. It is time for serious triage.

The GOP is seriously wounded. Republicans can either perform major surgery on the gangrenous portions of the body, with the distinct possibility of handing control of Congress to the Loony Left for two more years with some small hope we can survive long enough to have a popular revolt (ala Clinton/Gingrich ’96), or they can continue to nominate and tolerate ideologically impure, second rate politicians and watch the party die a natural death. As of now, the prognosis is not good.

The GOP is dead. Long live the GOP.
Ira M. Kessel
Rochester, New York

Re: Lawrence Henry’s Nothing Else to Do:

Funny thing, life. The pleasure is in taking everything for granted, oblivious of encroaching change. The tragedy is in realizing the worth of everything only as it is lost.
David Govett
Davis, California

After reading Mr. Henry’s column my problems seem silly. I will pray for him, it is the least and the most we could do. God Bless and keep you sir.
Jim Karr
Blue Springs, Missouri

It was a moving account of your condition. I am a doctor and have seen what you describe in my patients (though most of them are not as articulate as you). I fear I will face it my self some day.

Some people are just tough — that’s their constitution. Other people are clever. I am neither of these, but I am interested. If you discover so much as a grain of wisdom about how to handle what you describe, please write about it.
Wayne Pickard

Please forward to Mr. Henry my best wishes. Life, life the True Love it is composed of, needs no affirmation.

Tell him to ask his ruthless physicians about buprenorphine naloxone. Withdrawal from opiates has been cured.

He can research the literature on his own.
Joel Raupe
Raleigh, North Carolina

Your piece “Nothing Else to Do” is so moving, and I am so sorry that you are suffering in so many ways. I will pray for you tonight. I pray that you receive the grace to live through your illnesses and that your sons will know your character and bravery. Thank you for your writing.

Yours truly,
Elizabeth B. Sullivan
Birmingham, Alabama

I just finished reading your “Nothing Else to Do” column. I’m in my 50s; my husband and I both have serious health issues. You are a very gifted writer, and your column touched my heart very much.

Mr. Henry, right now it might seem there is nothing else to do but cry as you absorb today’s bad news. (Believe me, we understand those days too.) But you just keep hanging on. You keep writing to fill up another shelf with manuscripts and columns to submit to American Spectator.

Mostly hang on because you are an important part of the lives of at least four people — your family (your wife, Bud, and Joe) and your friend Chip. How blessed you are to have a friend who comes over to pray with you! Please, while you are praying, remember to thank God for your loved ones, for the medical care you are able to receive, and that you live in America.

I don’t know why some of us are destined to go through life with health problems. What I do know is that having a family that loves me does help me get through the bad days filled with only bad news. Prayer and a relationship with my Creator also helps. A Bible verse that I hang on to with everything I’ve got is Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” No matter how many days God allows any of us, we can each always cling to the hope He gives.

Please don’t give up the good fight.

A friend and admirer,
Judith H

Thank you, Lawrence Henry, for making the effort to write every week in spite of your illness, and thanks to the editors for publishing you. Your words enhance my life. Thank you for the gift.
Peter Kline

Please pass to Mr. Henry that I am not a religious man, but I will pray for him.

I wish him peace.
Rich Watko

Please tell Mr. Henry I will be praying for him and his family. I don’t have it as bad as he’s got it, but I hear him. Many of us do. We’ll be together, one day, soon I hope, where all is safe and kind — in His arms. God bless you all.
Desiree Effner
Gresham, Oregon

Lawrence Henry replies:
Dear All:

I’ll be busy this week with a couple of minor surgeries — switching over from peritoneal to hemo dialysis. Your loving responses have humbled me with gratitude, and also made me realize what a complete horse’s ass I made of myself, popping off the way I did. “Writers write,” yes indeed, but more writers, myself included, ought to pay attention to Bill Wilson’s dictum, “Nothing pays off like restraint of tongue and pen.”

I will reproduce a paragraph from a friend’s letter to me for now, and leave it at that.

“Your article broke my heart. First for its dire nature, secondly for your presumption that controlling pain is a character flaw. It isn’t. Neither is it the same as chronic alcoholism. I speak with a knowing clear heart. If God offers a physical measuring to lessen the pain you are going through and your doctor feels it will help in whatever lies ahead, then use it. This in no manner implies you are a mindless addict.”

I will pick up writing in two weeks, and I hope by that time I will write about something a lot more interesting than myself.

Best to all of you,
Lawrence Henry

Re: Quin Hillyer’s It’s the Culture, Stupid:

Every political figure has associations with bad people. Everybody has something in the past that they did wrong. If you want to go on about Bill Ayers, the other side can bring up the Keating Five and can bring up all the lobbyists on McCain’s staff. The other side can bring up Palin’s long association with the Alaska Independence Party, which is a pretty despicable group with whom Sarah and her husband were both very involved for a long time.

What’s the point? This is gutter politics. Let’s talk about things that really matter. The economy is melting down. The two candidates have really interesting, contrasting proposals on health care. And oh yeah, we’re fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please let’s move on from the personal attacks.
Mitch Gar

Kudos to Quin Hillyer for having the self-awareness to be able to step back and see the spectacle of a seriously disturbed social process unfolding. Elections have always brought out a full range of human behavior.

McCain, flaws and all, has his (and America’s) best chance of winning only if he sticks to easily observable facts and that means voicing the simplest American conservative ideas about the traditional standards of decent behavior, limited government, a virile respect for life and respect for the Constitution as written.

Consistently give us the good news about what is right and strong with the United States and stop taking potshots at “Wall Street greed” and saying that “Washington is broken”. Washington isn’t broken; It’s been hijacked. It’s the only national government we have and it needs an infusion of clear-eyed, fearless men and women. Greed is part of human nature and the books are full of existing regulations requiring competent enforcement. Stop talking about being a “maverick.” Mavericks don’t lead; they fidget and break ranks and threaten to derail the whole train on account of their stubbornness. When the time comes to do things differently you will be ready.

McCain and his advisers might as well consult the entrails of a chicken if they think they can outmaneuver the Democrats playing with the tools of modern fascist manipulation of media and ideas. George Bush and the Republicans are pikers compared with the Democrats. The latter, in the sole interest of partisan gamesmanship, have allowed themselves to be infiltrated by the heirs of two generations of Americans marinating in socialist ideas and methods. Does anyone critically watching events not think that the Alinsky/Ayers-inspired Obama is supposed to be, in the jargon of neurotic tinhorn revolutionaries the “vanguard” of change? The only real difference between the latter-day vanguards and the Bolsheviks is that the playbook Democrats swoon at the sight of blood. The Bolsheviks did not and the rest is, unfortunately, 20th century history….
Milton Fay

Re: Mike Roush’s letter (under “Forced Down”) in Reader Mail’s Culture Warrior:

The dishonesty of the legion of Obamaniacs and Kos-hacks in today’s Reader’s Mail is on display best, and least cloyingly, in the letter of Mike Roush. Somehow, the political meanderings of the spouse of the Republican VP and addresses to Alaska’s third largest party are of utter importance to Mr. Roush, while 20 years in a pew before a hatemonger (“I didn’t hear.” vs. “I didn’t inhale.”) and allegiance with unrepentant domestic terrorists and a number of the progenitors of the current financial crisis by a Presidential candidate are not. Knowing the equivalence distortion inherent in Mr. Roush, I do not understand the editorial fascination with his writings.
Reid Bogie
Waterbury, Connecticut

Gosh darn, Mike. Maybe TAS can get Governor Palin to send you an autographed wink for that one. All you have to do is tell us what the doggone Bush Doctrine actually is.
Mike Showalter
Austin, Texas

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