Can’t Say I Wasn’t Warned - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Can’t Say I Wasn’t Warned



Well, well, well.

Wlady warned me that I might be premature in my assumption that Hillary Clinton would be marching on Washington at the head of an army of policy wonks. He was right, typically, and I was wrong. Among the lessons of this election …  pay attention when your assumptions are challenged by people smarter than you.

That we won’t have a lot of people like Jonathan Gruber swarming Washington and doing big things that the rest of us are too stupid to understand is, manifestly, a good thing. We might at least be spared another Obamacare.

Also, one feels gratitude for the fact that we will not have to read lengthy and tedious accounts of how the well-oiled Clinton machine managed the campaign to victory.

And, that we won’t be hearing much about the “Obama legacy.”

We will, however, be getting a lot of the sort of thing Margaret Sullivan at the Washington Post served up this morning.

… although we journalists try to portray ourselves as cynical sometimes, or hard-bitten, we can also be idealistic, even naive.

We wanted to believe in a country where decency and civility still mattered, and where someone so crude, spiteful and intemperate could never be elected — because America was better than that.

I can fault journalists for a lot of things, but I can’t fault us for that.

Aren’t we lucky to have them?

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