The Day Ahead: October 26 - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Day Ahead: October 26


Today on the main site:

Comment of the day:

Reader Mary Louise on Quin Hillyer’s “Yes, ‘The One’ should fail.'”

WM reminded me of the time I went hunting pheasant with my boyfriend. I have no idea why he wanted me to tag along. He just said, “Punk, you’re coming with me tomorrow.” And he taught me how to clean a gullet. I still have those beautiful feathers, somewhere.

At 17 he took apart and rebuilt the engine of a ’63 Sunbeam Alpine. He was a math head, in the top 10 of a class of 150, overall. He was a great second baseman. He tricked me into answering a question on Return of the Native incorrectly. I’d confessed to him that I hadn’t read the chapters assigned: Hi! H’re you? As Rush would say.

A few days later there he was sitting cross-legged (Native American and Irish, what a deadly combination!) on the little flat roof just outside my bedroom window. Getting there was such an act of athletic prowess that even my father, who uncovered the plot, had to comment on it before telling him to scram so he could have a little talk with his vagabonda innamorata . It’s not like it is in the movies. Your father blames you for everything. He knows, and more importantly, he knows that you know.

I’ve been sitting on the Hoffman/Scozzafava fence. And I’m not even sure why. But I’m going to send him some money anyway because you need energetic conservatives inside.

Newt’s support for Scozzafava doesn’t surprise me. But Thaddeus McCotter’s support for her does. His brief statement doesn’t reveal a whole lot, just that speaking as a “51% republican we need to take this seat as republicans.” He’s a serious thinker and a sober man. I wish he would elaborate.

McCotter’s not some great modernist hankering to synthesize heresies. In his interview with Peter Robinson (Uncommon Knowledge), he says that politics is the art of the possible. And I think he’s right. Yet, IIRC, he voted against the first TARP and subsequent bailouts because he really did see that Bush and Obama were both sticking it to the little guy on behalf of the big guy, supposedly so well-educated yet still needing the collective power of the little guy to prevent him from being part of the bread line.

What to watch for:

Friday’s Best:

UN Nuclear Inspectors tour once secret nuclear site in Iran:

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