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Clinton’s Cronies


Re: The Prowler’s Beg Your Pardongate:

I see the Prowler is reporting Holder urging Obama to include Mayorkas on his transition. Here is possibly the most detailed account you will find of Pardongate as it pertained to convicted drug trafficker Carlos Vignali, and Alejandro Mayorkas’ role in a grant of clemency by President Clinton. By definition, Holder would have had to approve that grant (which Mayorkas lobbied for), just as he approved the pardon for Marc Rich.
Jeffrey Anderson
Baltimore City Paper (formerly of LA Weekly)

Re: Enemy Central’s Keep the Change:

The Clinton staffer that won’t be invited back to the White House is Ms. Lewinsky. The American taxpayer will assume the position directly for President Obama.
Ira M. Kessel
Rochester, New York

Let’s assume that Obama has placed this reality as his most important when picking those who will work at his right side: The candidate must “worship” Obama, must think Obama is in fact the “savior” our country needs so badly. I refer the reader to the recent movie “3:10 to Yuma,” starring Russell Crowe et al. Note his immediate cohort in crime…the guy damn near steals the show, especially in his allegiance and meanness to all those who resist the will of his boss!

Imagine how the women in Obama’s life greet him when he comes home from work.  They adore him.  His mother adored him, grandmother too. The guy just loves to be adored! What happens when this adoration ceases? Or when another force comes into the picture diverting the supplicant from his duties?

Why, he gets the wrath of Obama. You don’t mess with Mr. Cool. 

Now there are some really tough streets in Chicago where one looks all around as he struts his stuff walking. I don’t know if Mr. Cool ever walked such streets alone. I do know on the world stage there are some really tough guys who just for chuckles like to smash the faces of those who get close enough. 

What happens when the pretty face of Obama gets touched? Do we need to watch him play a pickup game of basketball to get an idea? Or will it show up when he tries to vote “present” for some important item?

Will he invoke the wrath of a god to those who trespass against “his will” or “vision” like I imagine he will? Will this Shakespeare of politics wannabe terminate all with his sweet words of condemnation? 

Note the dead bodies at the end of “3:10 to Yuma.” Crowe gets on the train…alone!  Good guys and bad guys lay dead all around.

Is it time to ask Michael Corleone for his perspective? How about Alexander the Great?  Judah Ben Hur?   

The show is about to start, please be seated…and turn off your cellphones…or else!
R. Philips
Corrales, New Mexico

Re: Lisa Fabrizio’s Offensive Conservatives

I must disagree with Ms. Fabrizio about the Catholic Bishops closing the Catholic hospitals if they are required to perform abortions. There is a priest in South Carolina who spoke out against Catholic citizens who voted for Obama thereby tacitly supporting Obama’s stand on abortion — in addition to supporting abortion itself. The priest went further and said that those Catholics should seek absolution for their sin. What happened?

You guessed it, the “misguided” priest was told by his Bishop to pipe down. So much for the Catholic Church standing up against abortion or supporting the priests who do take courageous stands. Shame on that Bishop.
Judy Beumler
Louisville, Kentucky

As a religious, social and low tax conservative I say Amen, Lisa. The one good thing about the Obama election is that intrinsic Democrat racism and sexism has been dealt a blow by the election of the first African-American “female” for President.  Happy Days are here again, and economic policy will be reminiscent of FDR’s failures that led to 13 years of economic chaos and impoverishment and the rise of totalitarian fascism.  The big difference is “Ms.” Obama is clearly sympathetic to the fascist agenda of destroying freedom and liberty in the world.
Michael Tomlinson
Camp Habbaniyah, Iraq

Re: G. Tracy Mehan, III’s Social Conservatives as Scapegoats:

I think that your article is on the right track. The practical politician needs to identify how he is going to accomplish his goals. Where does his 51% come from, or will he support a diversionary third party so that he only needs 47%? Current Republican leadership seems unable to do the math. They have managed to maintain the ability to shift blame to others for their own failures.

I’m coming to the conclusion the political elite have absolutely no idea what it means to evangelical Christians to be Christians. As your article says, there are many roads that social and economic conservatives walk in common, they just don’t do it together. Strong arguments for energy development and taxation appeal to all three legs of the conservative base, but the liberals chose to be like the Democrats. Big government solutions, giving away other people’s money, blaming capitalism while ignoring big government stupidity and corruption were the chosen campaign points. Republicans went for image while they deserted principle. That only works if you are a Democrat.
George York

Re: Ira Kessel’s letter (under “Out of My Way”) in Reader Mail’s Marital Strife:

Ira Kessel attributed this to Adam Smith: “That government governs best which governs least.” 

Thoreau, while agreeing with that, added this: “Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe — ‘That government is best which governs not at all;’ and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient.” Civil disobedience!

Somebody please get this message to Congress. Quickly, please! 

“Super double quick!” (in language more appropriate to this day than it was in 1984).
A. C. Santore

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