Leno on the French - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Leno on the French


Those pestiferous guys at the Miquelon.org website — dedicated to defending France’s inalienable right to be unpleasant to Americans are again taking issue with Jay Leno. As usual, they’re whining that Leno’s humor being too rough on their fragile egos. In his monologue two nights ago, Leno said:

“This is now the twelfth day of rioting in France. They have been rioting for almost two weeks. And France has still not surrendered. That’s like a record.

“Things are so bad in France, they’re asking the Germans to come back.

“The rioters are said to be upset because they are immigrants who have been treated poorly by the French. What? French people treating foreigners rudely? I can’t believe that — stop the presses. Join the club.”

At least Leno had the good taste to not point out that, given their position that America’s presence in Iraq is fomenting terror, the French should take their own counsel and withdraw from Paris. Again.

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