Rep. Forbes: Keep Obamacare Data Away from the IRS - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Rep. Forbes: Keep Obamacare Data Away from the IRS


In today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Eric Holder, Congressman Randy Forbes (R-Va.) announced his plan to introduce a bill keeping data on Americans’ healthcare decisions away from the IRS after the agency admitted to targeting conservative groups for auditing.

Forbes began his questioning period by asking Holder about the Benghazi and Fast and Furious scandals. He made the point that neither former secretary of state Hillary Clinton nor Holder himself were held personally responsible for the scandals, nor were any lower-level employees of the State Department or Department of Justice.

Forbes asked Holder if he could identify any actions he should have taken before the death of Brian Terry in connection with Fast and Furious. Holder avoided a real answer, saying that “hindsight is 20/20” and that he has to “run an agency” with thousands of employees.

Forbes connected the actions by the State and Justice departments with the recent actions of the IRS, saying that nobody will be held responsible. “When irresponsible actions take place, nobody has any personal repercussions,” he said.

Due to this, Forbes made it clear that he believes the IRS should never be given access to data on healthcare decisions made under Obamacare, as he believes abuses of power will continue to occur and, again, no one would be held accountable.

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