Dubya Disappoints — Big Time - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Dubya Disappoints — Big Time


I would say to former President Bush, the media and the left are using you. They are treating you as if you were a naive child. Please understand this. Sadly, though, I don’t think you do. They are hanging your “painting” on the fridge, clapping as you build what might be a car out of your tinker toys. You had them, not when you couldn’t find the exit in China, but when you couldn’t find the exit for your head from a poncho at the inauguration. That was when they officially passed the Hitler torch from you to President Trump.

Maybe it’s the PTSD you suffer from with all the lives you lost during your presidency. Lost, they weren’t lost; they were used up and discarded by you. How touching, a book of paintings of wounded American soldiers by George, yeah that makes up for it. I’m sure it was extremely consoling to the families of the soldiers who are dead or maimed. Bravo George, you couldn’t speak up for eight years of lives lost, an economy destroyed and a party ruined. Eight years you stood silent being called every name imaginable, and trust me, it was never cute, not realizing as you were being called those names that so were we.

From where do you get the nerve to speak up now? Why not speak up when you were being attacked and blamed for everything that ails mankind for the past 16 years? Donald Trump said you lied, they said you were Hitler. Why so defensive now? Is it because you did lie? You think the inauguration “was some weird s…”? Well, how about your presidency? That former president “was some weird s….” You think with that “innocent” mind that if President Trump is worse than you, the left will forget about you? Is it some weird sense of relief you are experiencing?

Understand this, Georgie; Donald Trump is a direct response to your absolute dereliction of your leadership role requiring you to stand up for yourself, and by proxy us. Republicans and Americans were tired of being beaten up and pushed around. Now you fight back? It’s like you scored a basket for the other team, and are celebrating this while all the while they are laughing at you, while you think they are cheering. You still have an R in front of your name, and trust me, most of us would gladly celebrate if you were to change that, but until you do, with all due respect, please shut up.

President Bush, please stop allowing yourself to be used as the poster child for the left. You already were their poster child, with such brilliant art as calling you Hitler. Boy the left is original, calling you a liar, a baby killer, a buffoon, a war monger, and again a liar, oh, and illegitimate. But Donald Trump calls you this and that’s what set you off? Not the media eviscerating you? Does this get you the bigger piece of chicken at the ranch, defending the Bush name? Sorry Jeb lost and your father couldn’t get more than one term. Maybe that’s what this all about: Subconsciously, you are mad at Republicans.

For the past eight years it was like playing “Where’s Waldo,” cleaning up your mess, while you drew in Crawford. Silent as our values and ideas were being assaulted. Silent as the deficit doubled, men and women lost work, and the world burned. Silent as you were blamed for it all, like the person who walks his dog and tells us the crap is good fertilizer, or even worse let us all step in it. Maybe that’s what it came down to; you’ve always left a mess, and had others pick up the pieces. Please sir, stop creating another mess. We are tired of picking up your toys.

Whatever the reason, you have become “a Chatty Cathy doll pulling your own string,” and we have to cut the cord. Not finding weapons of mass destruction, “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy — I was able to get a sense of his soul.” Really, are you kidding? Billions of dollars were wasted, families destroyed forever, at home and abroad. Those were actions that, to this day, still have dire consequences. Sorry, George, but that “was some really weird s….”. Please go back to the ranch with whatever dignity you have left, and I promise Republicans will clap for you.

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