The Establishment Stuck on Stupid - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Establishment Stuck on Stupid


This message is for the establishment Republican, Democrat, and NeverTrump consultants and pundits who have been flooding the airwaves and Internet with the same old tired wrong reasons for the Trump victory and how we must proceed going forward. To quote my old Brigade Commander who the public knows as General Russel Honoré of Hurricane Katrina fame: “You’re stuck on stupid.”

The American people did not elect Donald Trump because they want to “end the gridlock in Washington, D.C.” The message the voters sent is not that they want the two parties to “come together to get things done.” It ain’t about the quadrennial Kumbaya. Peddle that pablum all you want, but we the people have moved on. You’re talking to yourselves again.

We voted for Donald Trump and Republicans because we want to: build that wall, secure our borders, remove criminal illegal aliens from our country and stop any Islamic terrorists from sneaking into our country under the guise of being refugees; remove the odious, onerous, insanely expensive failure that is Obamacare from our lives; get a tax cut so that we actually have some money to save and spend on our personal priorities, not on big government waste, and so businesses could create jobs; kill every radical Islamic terrorist who threatens us, our allies, and innocent people everywhere; stop the Supreme Court from becoming the Supreme Legislature; have trade agreements that honor the American worker not just the Wall Street Banker; force government to respect religious liberty; equip, honor, and empower our armed forces to defend us and take care of our veterans; return the rule of law, from the highest levels of American government to the streets of the inner cities; drain the swamp; and most of all, stop being treated as if must serve the government and conform our lives to the elites’ concept of life. We simply want the government to respect and function within the strict confines of the United States Constitution as written.

A never Trump consultant friend of mine was apoplectic about the election. “This was no mandate!” he screamed. Really? We just saw the realignment of the electoral map. Crunch numbers all you want. If you disagree that a Republican winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin doesn’t equal a mandate, then you truly are stuck on stupid.

Donald Trump beat back the most celebrated and feared political machine in modern history. He did it at a third the cost. He did it because his love of America and our people was genuine and palpable. He won because he was unafraid of a press that we now know (thanks to the Wikileaking of John Podesta’s emails — talk about a sneering, condescending, lying, odious group of elitists) is not just biased but actively working with the Democrat party. He did it because he listened to Americans and didn’t tell us we were wrong. He did it by committing to accomplish the concrete things listed above. He did it by not pretending to be something he isn’t. Moreover, he championed us when the Left and their propagandists in the “mainstream media” (redundant I know), hurled epithets at us — racist, misogynist, xenophobe — for simply disagreeing with their Ivy League approved groupthink. He punched back and couldn’t care less about the New York Times because all he cares about is us and, yes, making America great again. He did it his way and tossed out your rulebook. Perhaps that’s why you still don’t get it.

You “political professionals” have been more wrong at every step of the way than any group of people in American political history. Many of you will continue to offer the same old consultant speak and worn-out bromides. For instance, you’ll furrow your brows and affect a look of expert seriousness and tell us that Chuck Schumer is now the most important man in Washington. You’ll tell us that to succeed, President Trump will need to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats. It will never occur to you that Chuck Schumer and the Democrats who are still reeling from the election actually need to reach across Pennsylvania Avenue to seek common ground with President Trump. Keep thinking the former. Because you thought Donald Trump couldn’t win in the first place. It will become increasingly evident that you are stuck on stupid.

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