Hillary’s Dirty Emails: A Guide - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Hillary’s Dirty Emails: A Guide


• On March 25, 2015, Hillary Clinton stated she “did not email any classified emails to anyone. There is no classified material.”


On July 5, FBI director James Comey reported “110 emails, in 52 email chains, have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.”

• Following the discovery process, Clinton claimed, “I have provided all my emails which could possibly be work related.”


Comey announced the FBI had found “Several thousand work related emails that were not among the group of 30 thousand” originally handed over by the apparent Presidential Nominee.

• Clinton originally claimed only a single device was used for work related emails, stating “I thought using one device would be simpler.”


Federal investigators discovered she had actually “used numerous mobile devices to send and receive email.”

• Clinton denied threats to national security, saying “there were no security breaches” of her private server.


FBI investigators revealed that “It is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.”

• In a CNN interview, Clinton claimed “I’ve never had a subpoena” regarding the email and Benghazi probe.


Trey Gowdy said in a statement the following day: “The committee has issued several subpoenas…. Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the committee did not subpoena her.”

• On May 10, Clinton claimed: “The vast majority of my work emails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the State Department.”


Later that month, the State Department reported it not begun automatically capturing and preserving e-mails until two years after Clinton left office.

• In a CNN interview, Clinton claimed: “Everything I did was permitted, there was no law, there was no regulation — there was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was to communicate.”


The State Department’s Inspector General report concluded the Secretary’s use of a personal account “did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”

• In March, Clinton proudly announced there was “No doubt that we’ve done exactly what we should have done.”


The FBI director disagreed, saying “They were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”



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