President Obama on the Wrong Side of History - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

President Obama on the Wrong Side of History


What he calls being on the “right side” of history.

President Barack Obama tells German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the world that she and the Germany she leads are on the right side of history. Open your gates to hordes of refugees who share none of your values and bring with them a triumphalist ideology that seeks to replace your culture with theirs, and you are on the right side of history.

It’s not as if Germany has no experience with the profound difficulties involved in integrating Muslims into German culture. And it’s not as if the same problems were not also being experienced throughout the rest of Europe.

Trevor Phillips, one of the leading proponents of Muslim migration to England, has publicly proclaimed that his vision of Muslim integration into British society was a grave mistake.

President Obama could not find the right side of history if it were drawn for him by Rand McNally on a historical map of the world.

His administration abandoned President Mubarak of Egypt who promoted stability and kept the peace with Israel. Instead, it supported the brutal Muslim Brotherhood who unleased such a reign of tyranny on the Egyptian people that millions stood in the street to demand their removal from power.

When the military overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood, the Obama administration did not breathe a sigh of relief for the rectification of its error. Instead, it sought to pressure the military to bring the Muslim Brotherhood back.

There was the premature withdrawal from Iraq, the “pink line” in Syria, and the overthrow of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi that transformed Libya into the breeding ground for terrorism and chaos that contributed to the flood of refugees washing up on Europe’s shores.

If that were not a sufficient number of blunders, there was Obama’s early engagement with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on whose tyrannical shoulders Obama again mistakenly hoped to bring stability to the region.

But nothing put Obama on the wrong side of history as much as the Iran deal, which has freed up hundreds of billions in assets that are being funneled to terrorist groups in the region.

And if Obama had his way, Muslim refugees would be pouring into America as they are in Europe, and with the same painful consequences. Obama too would want to be on the right side of history, and to him that means transforming our culture by transforming America’s population demographics.

If you believe the right side of history is opening your country to an unassimilable population that brings with it mass violence, terrorism, an upsurge in rape, and a belief that you should accommodate them because their culture is inherently superior to yours, then like Obama you have violated the basic obligation you have to your country. And that is to preserve and cherish the democratic values and freedoms of your culture so that they can be enjoyed by the generations that come after you.

Photo credit: C-Span

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