'Career' Is Code Word for Liberal Democrat - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

‘Career’ Is Code Word for Liberal Democrat


The Washington Post has outdone itself in disingenuous reporting. Today’s front page, above-the-fold headline “Justice Staff Saw Texas Districting as Illegal” is the one of the most agenda driven news stories of the year. Dan Eggen only finds news at the Justice Department when career employees complain about decisions made by their political appointee superiors. Funny, these stories never appeared when the Clintons were in the WH and Janet Reno was opening day-care centers and stopping FBI criminal agents from talking to the intelligence folks who could have clued them into terrorist plots. Why? Because the majority of “career” employees at DOJ are Democrats who agreed with the radical liberal Clinton policies and who are opposed to all things Republican/conservative. And the Civil Rights Division is the worst of the lot. It is populated with the most activist, liberal Democrats in the federal government — acolytes and former staff of John Conyers, Henry Waxman, Pat Leahy, Ted Kennedy, etc.

The Post conveniently paints these “career” employees as the people who really care about the issues and really know the law. They are neither. They are liberal hacks who, if federal government employees could be tossed, would have been tossed for insubordination and incompetence in the first term.

Perhaps the Post could give a little credit to the political appointees who are among the best and brightest attorneys in America today — think a host of younger Ted Olsons. And perhaps the Post missed the last 2 presidential elections. Bush won. The American people chose our policies and our legal philosophy. This story, like so many others in the Post and NY Times, is just another piece of liberal trash reporting meant to give Henry Waxman and John Conyers a reason to put out a press release condemning Republican appointees, make outrageous assertions and call for hearings. In fact, I’m pretty sure that Eggen got the memo from the staff one of those two members (his only good sources) who got it from the liberal hacks in the Civil Rights Division, who are still angry that a 3-judge panel on the Court of Appeals found their legal reasoning to be completely flawed and upheld DOJ’s ultimate ruling on TX redistricting.

Anyone want to bet we get a press release out of the above mentioned liberals before day’s end?

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