Evan McMullin: Democrat Wolf in Independent Sheep Clothing - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Evan McMullin: Democrat Wolf in Independent Sheep Clothing


Would anyone know the name Evan McMullin without Democrat consultant Rick Wilson? Would a nobody congressional staffer ever be seriously considered as a possible United States president except by someone like former American Spectator intern Bill Kristol? Only delusional men such as these would see a clear path to the presidency for someone of such a modest stature as Evan McMullin.

Spoiler alert: Evan McMullin did not win the presidency. He’s been doing odd jobs since 2016 and now, with his transparently thin résumé, would like to be a U.S. senator from Utah.

Failed independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin won Republican votes in one place: Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas. He is the ultimate CIA-D.C. insider. He didn’t win in Utah. He didn’t win anywhere else. Beltway political voters hated Donald Trump and wanted to vote for someone, anyone, other than Trump for president.

McMullin, of course, lost. He was nationally what he is now in Utah locally: a spoiler. He is not a Republican. He’s a Democrat and an establishment one at that. Worse, he’s the vulgar creation of Rick Wilson, the failed Republican consultant who now makes his money helping Democrats get elected by smearing Republicans in the nastiest way possible.

Many who voted for McMullin are embarrassed now. There have been mea culpas on social media filled with regret over their wasted votes. Evan McMullin has been revealed as a shameless fraud. He has yet to pay his debts from his hapless presidential bid. Now a guy who has never been elected to anything wants to be Utah’s senator.

National Review’s Dan McLaughlin explains what McMullin was to his voters in 2016:

I and other conservative Republican voters pulled the lever for McMullin for president six years ago in order to send a message that our quarrel was not with Republican policy positions but with Trump’s unfitness for office. All McMullin had to do in order to be a vessel for that protest was to be more honorable than Trump or Hillary Clinton, more pro-life than Clinton, Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein, less apparently isolationist than Trump, Johnson, or Stein, and generally not raise any significant dissent from Republican positions on the issues. These were all low bars.

These were also stupid bars. Politics in America is a binary sport. Protest voting nearly always works this way: helping the worst candidate. Libertarians and Bernie Bros have spent lifetimes on pointless, spoiling endeavors, and, in 2016, Trump so offended some Republicans’ sensibilities that they joined the pointless party. Their vote? Evan McMullin. So, how do these people feel about their votes now? Some, like Bethany Shondark Mandel, disavowed him outright on Twitter. Others, such as Dan McLaughlin, decry McMullin now but don’t apologize for their clearly misguided vote. Dan did point out McMullin’s hazy past, though.

McMullin’s oft-cited CIA experience is in question. The Washington Examiner’s Quin Hillyer says this:

There is some dispute about the CIA service that McMullin so regularly holds up as a political prop. Several people with whom he worked vouch for him, but several others who served in the same region as McMullin said they had “never heard” of him or that “his career as he professes it to be just doesn’t make any sense.”

Either way, McMullin claimed to be conservative during that 2016 run. By 2017, he was already supporting liberal Ralph Northam for governor of Virginia while attacking establishment-conservative Ed Gillespie, the Republican nominee, for “peddl[ing] fear and white nationalism.” McMullin supported an assistant attorney general who refused orders to do her job. He accused Republicans of “bigotry” merely for opposing a left-wing version of how to fix the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program legislatively. And more liberalism — lots of it. All signs suggest that the man was never being straightforward or honest about who he was or what he believed.

Tucker Carlson dedicated a segment to this political fraud. It’s worth your time to watch:

Utah now faces a choice between this fake candidate and the solid, trustworthy constitutional expert, Sen. Mike Lee. This is an easy vote. Lee is one of those rare politicians: a decent man with a good family who humbly serves his voters. Many Republicans would like such an easy choice for their senator.

Utah is not like other states. It’s overwhelmingly a couple of things: white, Mormon, and conservative. Ironically, that makes wolves a lot easier to sneak into the fold. Evan McMullin is a Democrat wolf in independent sheep’s clothing. He’s of the rabid Rick Wilson wolf variety, at that. This fake political persona should be easy to see through. Maybe Utah voters don’t understand the company that Evan McMullin keeps.

What kind of political candidate wants the help of a political consultant known for covering up pederasty? What kind of candidate seeks the help of someone who uses personal destruction routinely as a political tool? Evan McMullin does.

To get an idea of the disgusting past of McMullin’s favorite political operative, here’s what Wilson did to Max Cleland. Actually, go read the whole article in Esquire titled “Max Cleland Did Not Deserve What Rick Wilson Did to Him.” It’s eye-opening. Here’s a smidgen:

But as legislation to set up the new Department of Homeland Security sailed through Congress, Cleland fought to give the employees of that department union protections. And that was opening enough for the ratfckers to get him.

Rove called on an ambitious conservative ad man named Rick Wilson to put together one of the most scurrilous attack ads since Lee Atwater gave Willie Horton his turn at centerstage. The ad opened with pictures of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, and the point of the ad was that Max Cleland, who left half his body in a war zone, lacked the gumption to “lead” during the time of terror.

This ad was devastating to Cleland politically and nearly destroyed him personally. Cleland talked about it in his memoir. Esquire goes on:

It never made any sense. It was destruction for destruction’s sake. In 2016, Rick Wilson gave an interview to Cracked in which he talked about the ad that helped wreck Max Cleland’s career and came very close to ruining his life.

“The Cleland ad was powerful because it went to his strengths,” Wilson explains. “Everyone assumed Cleland was immune to critiques on national security issues … we found a lot of votes where he’d voted the wrong way … we tested those messages and discovered those messages were very effective against Cleland … they didn’t calculate that I have no moral center when it comes to political ads, and I will destroy the innocent and the guilty …” [emphasis added]

Max Cleland didn’t deserve this, and the fact that it worked proved American politics didn’t deserve Max Cleland. Also, that some sins are mortal and unforgivable. Also, that nothing that happened in the past five years started with Donald Trump. Rest in peace, Max Cleland, and may his memory be a blessing.

Wilson says of himself, “they didn’t calculate that I have no moral center.” Why would Evan McMullin associate himself with someone like this? Why would he bring this by-any-means-necessary politics into the genteel state of Utah? Do Utahns know the character of Evan McMullin? Do they know whom he consorts with?

Politics is a strange business with strange bedfellows. Of all that strange, Evan McMullin is the strangest of them all. He has zero political biography outside his failed presidential bid. Go look at Ballotpedia. It’s a blank page because he has no history of accomplishments, political or otherwise. His history of political success was and is as slim and flimsy as Barack Obama’s. America is currently enjoying the fruits of Obama’s third term. Do Utahns want to elect someone who supports that agenda?

Evan McMullin is lying to potential voters and says he won’t caucus with either the Republicans or Democrats, while taking all of his funding from Democrats. Does anyone believe this? In a time of existential issues facing America, Utahns and America need a solid vote against the Biden agenda. Evan McMullin is a D.C. insider who will vote whichever way keeps the establishment happy. This means policies that won’t fix inflation, will continue to allow a mess at America’s southern border, and will allow the cultural rot to be enshrined into law. McMullin will be Chuck Schumer’s best friend.

Anyone who cares about the future of America needs to reject Evan McMullin for the second time. He was a usurper before, and he’s a usurper now. He has a shady past in the CIA, no political successes, and a record of working against a conservative agenda with the worst types of people. Utah deserves better.

Melissa Mackenzie
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Melissa Mackenzie is Publisher of The American Spectator. Melissa commentates for the BBC and has appeared on Fox. Her work has been featured at The Guardian, PJ Media, and was a front page contributor to RedState. Melissa commutes from Houston, Texas to Alexandria, VA. She lives in Houston with her two sons, one daughter, and two diva rescue cats. You can follow Ms. Mackenzie on Twitter: @MelissaTweets.
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