DOCEX is Scheherazade - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

DOCEX is Scheherazade


Pleasure to see The Connection author Stephen Hayes’s Sam-Spade-work digging into the still unavailable documents of Saddam Hussein’s terror regime featured in today’s WSJ lead editorial.

Spoke to Steve last Friday the 6th, when he published online at Weekly Standard a summary of the search for the truth so far, to reveal that only fifty thousand of an estimated two million captured documents have yet been translated and archived. The project is titled DOCEX, and it goes slowly and without any P.R. from the Bush team or the DOD. What we have so far, from just the period 1999 to 2002, points to three terror training centers in Iraq, at Ramadi, Sammara, Salman Pak, where the regime ran a rent-a-jihad program for a witch’s brew of terror gangs.

Documents also point to chemical and biological weapons training, but the mother lode is the documented linkage with Al Q, which is extensive, detailed, confirmed and confirmed and confirmed. We can presume the links to Iran’s IRGC, Syria’s Assadists, and the homicidal HizbAllah are also layered throughout DOCEX: dates, cash pay-offs; and we can dream of finding thank you notes from such as gab-gifted rats who are also central London MPs as well as from pompous, sartorial international civil servants now making kiss and make-up calls to Tehran.

The lone explanation for why Team Rumsfeld has kept this satanic treasure chest from us is that there was fear of selective translating by the oppo teams during the ’04 campaign. Steve Hayes points to Steve Cambone at DOD as the gatekeeper; but Steve also told me that that is changing or will change shortly. There is no longer any rational explanation for why we don’t have these documents. This is evidence that can be used right now for the hot pursuit of criminals to Damascus, Moscow, Paris, Pyongyang. Every suspicion, every name, every twisted motive is somewhere in those papers, because the Saddamists imitated the Berliners in documenting the villainy.

DOCEX is Scheherazade. When we get that doc mountain range dumped on us, there are dozens of careers to be made by journalists, investigators, politicians, statesman, prosecutors, lawyers and the odd historian in retelling the thousand and one vices of Baghdad and its evil djinns.

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